Population control

That's true. But unfortunately, raising living standards in places like Africa isn't going to happen. Countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe demanded the reins of power be removed from the white man after he bequethed them higher living standards and a modern infrastructure. Unfortunately, as expected, these countries have gone into reverse and are vying for failed state status. There's no hope for these countries, because no matter how bad their white rulers were painted, they will always be replaced with with corrupt, incompetent black dictators who obviously despise their own people. China clawed it's way up, India is trying; Africa - not a chance.

China rejected the supposed economic orthodoxy and forged its own plan to remarkable sucess. The problem with these failed states is that the flip side is it's easier to exploit their resources. Just look how China has been on the tear in Africa.

The problem these poor states faced was neo liberal policies enforced on them as part of their IMF / World Bank loans. This has lead to rampant corruption and unstable economies creating a large number of economic migrants. China has swooped in and offered better terms. I think we in the West have shot ourselves in the foot by being too wedded to neo liberal policies.
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The Chinese are thinking ahead unlike the West.
By investing in these devoloping countries the Chinese are creating future customers for their stuff.
Unlike the Chinese the Western countries would rather blow apart the infrastructure of foreign countries rather than help them build it.
The Chinese are thinking ahead unlike the West.
By investing in these devoloping countries the Chinese are creating future customers for their stuff.
Unlike the Chinese the Western countries would rather blow apart the infrastructure of foreign countries rather than help them build it.

I've often said China have sat back for centuries and watched the western world and learned from our mistakes, mostly made from our self imposed "superiority".

They've then applied our own strategies with the added benefit of not making the same mistakes and staying humble.

The Chinese know they have the western world beat, they have achieved what Russia failed at with communism.

Hats off to the Chinese at the end of the day, well done to them.

Whilst we're all to busy fighting amongst ourselves and each other and getting involved in wars that wasn't our to get involved with, they've been scurrying around in the background become a world dominating power. Won't be long till they are bigger the the USA.

The ironic thing is it took Donald trump to stand up against it for people to realise what's been going on. I'm not a trumponian, but the man was right regards over reliance on china
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I've often said China have sat back for centuries and watched the western world and learned from our mistakes, mostly made from our self imposed "superiority".

They've then applied our own strategies with the added benefit of not making the same mistakes and staying humble.

The Chinese know they have the western world beat, they have achieved what Russia failed at with communism.

Hats off to the Chinese at the end of the day, well done to them.

Whilst we're all to busy fighting amongst ourselves and each other and getting involved in wars that wasn't our to get involved with, they've been scurrying around in the background become a world dominating power. Won't be long till they are bigger the the USA.

The ironic thing is it took Donald trump to stand up against it for people to realise what's been going on. I'm not a trumponian, but the man was right regards over reliance on china

The world reli

You have to understand where China first came from. The subjugation they faced under the Western Powers over a prolonged period is known to every Chinese as their century of humiliation where the country was exploited and torn apart. They have long memories.

The problem we faced is that in the 70s with the ending of the Bretton Woods agreement and oil price shocks was the new economic model of monetarism pushed by Milton Friedman. At that time Thatcher and Reagan came to power and ushered throug their supply side policies and unleashed neo liberalism. That period of neo liberalism has now essentially run its course - debts have climbed in the West with rising inequality.

It wasn't China on its own - it takes two to tango and we in the West were all too happy to outsource as the management Gurus like Tom Peters became superstars.

There were two massive shifts that took place.
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It seems the Americans and the Europeans haven't learnt the lessons of history.
Instead of trying figure out the Chinese, they have opted for gunboat diplomacy by sending warships on a coat trailing exercise in China's backyard.
They say they are exercising their right under the international Freedom of Navigation law to sail where they like.