Pound up, employment up, output up.

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Are you saying that ryland is correct...
It isn't binary.

One can be highly qualified and experienced and still be the wrong person. Results come from attitudes, leadership and behaviours etc. The EU exhibits an arrogance internally and externally which fuels people's desire to scale it back. I think however, we will now see a change in attitude toward Brexit. The tone of the "other sides" negotiation strategy was to fuel support for remain, so that the UK called the whole thing off. The derisory tone to make the Brexit negotiators look like idiots will pass.

We will see a real desire not to change anything, they will of course look to profit from Brexit and take their unfair share of UK GDP, but frankly that had been going on for decades with policies that favoured agriculture and manufacturing over service and technology. If you were outside of the Euro, you were a target.
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Nobody answered the question, what qualifications do you think he should have, and why?

Honorary degrees are a bit silly, but universities do not give them away without first recognising the work somebody has done. How many honorary degrees have you been awarded?

Anyway, that ignores the point that he has been working as an expert in his field since 1984 - that's 36 years experience. But still not enough for some people?
Anyway, that ignores the point that he has been working as an expert in his field since 1984 - that's 36 years experience. But still not enough for some people?

Not been following this this thread. Don't know who your talking about. Who ever your talking about may well in the field for 36 years...... This does not mean he's good at his job..... Or an expert. Plenty of plumbers have been in the trade for many years but are still clueless cowboys....
Not been following this this thread. Don't know who your talking about. Who ever your talking about may well in the field for 36 years...... This does not mean he's good at his job..... Or an expert. Plenty of plumbers have been in the trade for many years but are still clueless cowboys....

was about this

On the basis of the drunkard president junker.
He has no experience, nor qualifications in being the head of the legislature of 28 European countries and 513 million people.And yet you left wing returds find the time to berate trump.

Maybe Ryler is correct, but he does seem experienced and qualified enough to do the job he did. It is a very lazy criticism of a politician to just claim they are not qualified to do their job without suggestion why that is so or what qualifications and experience they should have .
they will of course look to profit from Brexit and take their unfair share of UK GDP

The people looking to profit from brexit are the millionaires and billionaires that have funded the lies and propaganda of the leave campaign.

Brexit was never for the interests of the public or the UK, it has been driven by the self interests of a narrow few, esp including those in the Tory party.

Matt Hancock -kickbacks from privatisation of the NHS
Boris Johnson -he used brexit to gain power
Rees Mogg - disaster capitalist
Aaron Banks - as above
Etc etc

The EU werent the ones trying to profit from Brexit - but the UK has chosen to leave and that makes the EU a competitor.

If you were outside of the Euro, you were a target

Im not sure that is true. The UK has had a unique position within the EU, it has been inside the single market, but been able to opt out of quite a few things and the UK has been able to maintain a relatively low regulation, low tax zone whilst enjoying access to frictionless trade.

. The tone of the "other sides" negotiation strategy was to fuel support for remain, so that the UK called the whole thing off
I dont see proof of that. Its true the EU didnt want the UK to leave, it has had a close relationship for 40 years, remaining or keeping a close tie is in UKs and EUs interest.

What you forget is that the Tory hard brexiteers are also hard right free market ideologues, they want to be free of the EU rules so they can go ahead with making more money for rich shareholders.
Welcome to Trumpland -no protection, no safety net for the vulnerable, low tax for the rich.
Did I say it was?

I'm asking you if you think rylands statement is true or correct? Looking at the evidence, most would say that ryland needs to his homework. What's your take MBK?

It is wrong to say he has no experience or qualifications. Since we agree it isn't binary, that is not saying he has the right qualifications, skills, behaviours, qualities and experience.

@Notch7 I'm learning that you tend to post opinion as fact without any malicious intention. I therefore read your above post as your opinion and I'm completely happy that you have one and can argue your point. I don't agree with it and I'm sure you're fine with that too.
It is a very lazy criticism of a politician to just claim they are not qualified to do their job

Im not sure how anybody can claim a politician is not qualified to do their job
One can only look back at their political achievement.

What qualifications has Johnson got? He is just a liar
Rees Mogg is a posh twit who isnt all that bright.

Politicians are only salesmen anyway. Their success is largely down to how devious they are in getting to the top.
Narcissists generally succees in politics, they arent restricted by ethics at all.
Trump and Johnson
Not all politicians are bad. It just seems that the worst are best at getting the most power.

Who was it that said, any person that wants to be president should never be given the job?

Ah, Douglas Adams!

“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
Politicians are only salesmen anyway. Their success is largely down to how devious they are in getting to the top.
Narcissists generally succees in politics, they arent restricted by ethics at all.
Trump and Johnson

Absolutely agree on the narcissism point.

Juncker being a prime example then. No shrinking violet would ever have accepted such a barrage of (mostly boule shoite), fawning, non-awards, would they?
Who ever your talking about may well in the field for 36 years...... This does not mean he's good at his job..... Or an expert. Plenty of plumbers have been in the trade for many years but are still clueless cowboys....

A very wise and killed tradesman said to me many years ago, be wary of people boasting they have 30 years experience, it generally transpires they have 1 years experience and it's 30 years old. He was bang on the money, the times I've spoken to people about how I spec a shower room, and the mention of aqua board or tanking invokes an angry response along the lines of 'that's bolix, I've been sticking tiles straight onto plasterboard for 30 years and never had a problem, I use waterproof grout'.
If I'm feeling patient, I might point out that two of the most misunderstood words in the building trade are 'waterproof' and 'flexible' and then explain why, these days I usually just say, 'ok, crack on mate'.

A Doctor once told me that one of the first things they're taught at Med school is that 'in 30 years time, a quarter of what we've taught you will be wrong', applies to most trades I would imagine, possibly apart from roof thatching.

Edit; he was a skilled tradesman, not a killed one, although he probably is dead by now, peacefully in his sleep I hope.
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