Racist countries ...........have a guess where

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No not once have I said I’m not racist. I would like to think I’m not .... but ...

I think everyone is racist in one form or another.

And really I know nothing about the Tongs. I know Nout how you got that and from where.

Maybe the Russians.
Click on the up arrow, just after "Bodd said" and it will take you to your post, the one that I quoted. :rolleyes:
Click on the up arrow, just after "Bodd said" and it will take you to your post, the one that I quoted. :rolleyes:

I’ve done that and it takes me to the last page.

I’m asking. In a previous topic I’ve gone on to say about Chinese in Canada and the US. ?????

I honestly know nothing of this for good or for bad
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I’ve done that and it takes me to the last page.

I’m asking. In a previous topic I’ve gone on to say about Chinese in Canada and the US. ?????

I honestly know nothing of this for good or for bad
Use the original quote that you wish to go back to, but to make life easy for you:
Here is the whole quote, click on this up arrow to take you back to your original discussion:
4 & 5 If they encouraged highly skilled management to replace some of the Tongs we have then that would be a start. Instead they will chuck numbers at the problem.

Its alway the problem chuck Numbers rather than lets think about how we invest our money.
The bit about the Chinese in USA and Canada was in Wiki explaining the use of the slang term.
Use the original quote that you wish to go back to, but to make life easy for you:
Here is the whole quote, click on this up arrow to take you back to your original discussion:

The bit about the Chinese in USA and Canada was in Wiki explaining the use of the slang term.

Without going through the post I would be using the word tong to describe anyone who’s a bit of a dope or someone who knows nothing. It was not aimed at anyone because of their race or colour.

I can see why Tong is related to Chinese but I don’t know this US slang.
Without going through the post I would be using the word tong to describe anyone who’s a bit of a dope or someone who knows nothing. It was not aimed at anyone because of their race or colour.

I can see why Tong is related to Chinese but I don’t know this US slang.
Perhaps now that you realise, that you may have been inadvertently racist, you will not use that slang term again?
Or, before anyone jumps in to explain other usages of the word, when you do contemplate using that word, you will consider "is it appropriate".

Sorry, one last point, because it is important, will you now accept that racism occurs even when it is not "in the extreme"?
Perhaps now that you realise, that you may have been inadvertently racist, you will not use that slang term again?
Or, before anyone jumps in to explain other usages of the word, when you do contemplate using that word, you will consider "is it appropriate".

Sorry, one last point, because it is important, will you now accept that racism occurs even when it is not "in the extreme"?

Of course it does. I love the yanks the Aussies and The Canadians the Israelis

Have I said anything racist about any of them. Yes all of them. Still like most things about them.

Have you said anything racist about any person/race/nation?

Tong to me means nothing other than dope.
Ive got a Chinese Mate when ever we are in company he always makes a remark about me. (An insult). He thinks it’s funny. Funny Once maybe, twice even but eventually it gets on your tits.

This one night in a pub he made a comment in front of company.

We got our beer and sat down. I told him if he ever insults me again in that way I will call him an F in chink every time we are in company.

I think he got it.

I call it

Positve racism
Ive got a Chinese Mate when ever we are in company he always makes a remark about me. (An insult). He thinks it’s funny. Funny Once maybe, twice even but eventually it gets on your tits.
You have never wondered why?
I don’t like to think my self as racist
I do not think myself as racist?

Have I said anything racist about any of them. Yes all of them.

Tong to me means nothing other than dope.
But to others it means something more sinister.

I think he got it.
Have you got it yet?
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