Racist woman on tram

How dare she speak the truth! :rolleyes: Doesn't she realise that we have to pretend that OUR country isn't being stolen from us - by the politicians and the EU. As she is white and working class, it's her and millions like her that stand to lose out, never the politicians who are insulated from real life.

Perhaps she didn't put her argument over too well, but I agree with everything she said.

She was probably bevvied. In vino veritas.

Also, wasn't she in Eastenders?
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Wow !!! just watched that woman.... firstly F'ing and Blinding in front of her own young kiddie !!! dispicable.... and secondly, and more importantly she thinks what she;'s used to is more important than anyone with a different coloured skin. :eek:

The basics... hundreds of years ago, you moved to another country, you had a sword and you were invading it !!! 100 years ago, a guy called hitler (small 'h' on purpose) had the same idea.... no fella !!!

These days, we have one planet, and planes, and ideas of mixing.... you can't stop multi culturalism.... we need to embrace it.

Someone these days that thinks "blacks should go home" should be locked up for a very long time... :evil:
So Martian, if I go to Oz and someone shouts "Go home you Pomme bathtub" They should be jailed for a very long time? Racism isn't about colour you dopey clown.
So Martian, if I go to Oz and someone shouts "Go home you Pomme bathtub" They should be jailed for a very long time? Racism isn't about colour you dopey clown.

so i post an opinion, and i'm a "dopey clown".... unnecessary abuse Joe !! :evil:
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No. You clearly don't understand the difference between anti-immigration and racism - you dopey clown.
So Martian, if I go to Oz and someone shouts "Go home you Pomme bathtub" They should be jailed for a very long time? Racism isn't about colour you dopey clown.

but answer this... should a black guy, who's third generation born here, be told to go home? :eek:
She asked where the black woman with the funny accent came from. Did you watch the clip or what?

And answer my question about the Pomme bathtub. (he won't :rolleyes: )
No. You clearly don't understand the difference between anti-immigration and racism - you dopey clown.
but you clearly don't understand anything apart from your own narrow minded views... whooohoo get you !! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

plus, i'm on the bus to Joe-90 land to kick your @r5e !!! you're a nasty man Joe !! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
She asked where the black woman with the funny accent came from. Did you watch the clip or what?

And answer my question about the Pomme bathtub. (he won't :rolleyes: )

"black woman with a funny accent?" wow you can't accept anything can you joe?
Where would you like to meet me? How about Ikea car park, Kimberly?
So Martian, if I go to Oz and someone shouts "Go home you Pomme bathtub" They should be jailed for a very long time?

Answer please.
notwithstanding Joe, that woman was an embarrassment.... the white person stood next to those black people might have been illegal Australians !!!

What is Joe on? :eek:
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