The right to have multiple children

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16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I appreciate this will likely be quite a divisive thread, however here goes ...

I watched the first in a new three part series last night called 60 Days on the Estates, basically a guy spends x days/nights across different housing estates to see what it's like for those living there. The usual stuff was covered, folk with lack of money, crime, drugs etc.

One thing that struck me however were two (relatively young) woman featured on the show. One of them had lived in a one bed flat since she was 17 and she's still there in her early 30s. However during that time she's had six kids. The oldest appeared to be teen boys, down to toddlers. I don't think the dad/s were on the scene, although the presenter did say she receives money from the dads to help raise the kids. Her story (in the context of the tv prog) was her struggle to get the council to re-house her and the kids. In her defence, the woman did say she was hoping to return to employment soon.

Another woman featured was struggling to make ends meet, using food banks and so on. Again she appeared relatively young but had, wait for it, nine kids! I think she said three lived elsewhere and six with her. I don't think the tv prog touched on whether the dad/s were around or not.

When I see things like this, part of me wonders 'why did you have so many kids?' Let me put it this way and I'm taking slight extremes to make my point. Let's say there's a young professional couple with a good income. They have five kids. Then, after having the kids, they lose their jobs and struggle to make ends meet. However when they had their kids they were earning enough to support the family. Surely that's different from a young couple or single person who start out on a low income and/or benefits deciding to have five kids, no?

My assertion is, whilst it's everyone's (legal) right to have as many kids as they want, surely if you know you're not in a financial position to support more than one or two, you should stop there, no?

In closing, I do understand there can be unplanned pregnancies, I think one of the woman on the show mentioned that i.e. that some of hers were not planned. Nevertheless, this won't always be the case.

What are your views on this?
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Rees pudd was on about it the other day, picking up on the latest alt right drivel that says western countries should be increasing their populations, that theres plenty of room.

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Rees pudd was on about it the other day, picking up on the latest alt right drivel that says western countries should be increasing their populations, that theres plenty of room.

It isn't alt right drivel at all.
UK fertility rate is 1.5.
Anything below 2 and the population goes into decline.
There over 100000 vacancies in NHS and over 100000 in the adult care sector.
There aren't enough young people coming into the workforce to fill these vacancies and pay tax and insurance to support and aging population.
The only reason the UK population has risen is due to mass immigration, over a third of newborns are non white due to a higher fertility rate among migrants.
It isn't just the UK that has this problem.
One of them had lived in a one bed flat since she was 17 and she's still there in her early 30s. However during that time she's had six kids
In countries like Russia, that woman would get a medal.
More children = More people = More Resources Consumed = GLOBAL WARMING.

Look at Portugal - housing crisis there, looks to be worse than the UK's. UK is now one of if not the most densely populated country in Europe.

It's time to stop child allowance and TAX big families (Especially Rice-Puds)! (& Prince billy boy Windsor)!
Look at Portugal - housing crisis there, looks to be worse than the UK's. UK is now one of if not the most densely populated country in Europe.
The Netherlands and Belgium are both far more densely populated, we aren't even close.

But we are the third most densely populated major country in Europe.
Why do you think that having non white newborns is a problem? Oh yes:

That's it.
I don't think that thing you heavily implied was "it". Just pointing that, out of a tiny minority of the population, they're producing a disproportionately high proportion of the births.

That is, if the figures are correct and I don't know whether they are. If so then it's definitely interesting.

We need young people, but sadly incentivising the non-working or unskilled to breed while disincentivising the more successful people with high housing costs is causing a reverse form of evolution. Each generation is, on average, less intelligent or otherwise talented than the previous one. There was a film all about this a few years ago, it probably wouldn't get released these days, as pointing out obvious facts is seen as (insert insult here)-ist.

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I am crying inside because of the fact that this comedy has somehow transformed itself into a documentary.

We need to do something about this, but I've no idea what, and I doubt that any politician is going to risk their career by suggesting it, as they'd be pounced on by the Beeb and those who like to stifle honest debate.
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