Replacing the Kitchen

Here are some more pictures

The chasing for the dishwasher socket


The cables & backbox for the dishwasher socket in place




The Dishwasher Socket wiring


Finshed Scale Reducer & Dishwasher Socket


The wiring for the Dishwasher DP Switch


The dishwasher & utitly room cables


Utitly Room sockets & smoke alarm cables


Undercupboard sockets FCUs wires



Undercupboard socket cable



The Undercupboard socket FCUs


The 2nd Kitchen light switch cables




The JB which is temp. making the kitchen ring part of the downstairs ring


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What's this obsession with sockets when FCUs would be a more elegant solution?

The 15A one is for the worktop socket, I used a 15A Round Pin Socket, fed by an switched FCU (above the wall cupboards) here because I did not want the fuse for the worktop to be stuck beheid the corner floor cupboard where I would not be able to get to it if the fuse blowed.
OK - I understand the FCU logic, but why the 15A socket? How often will you want to unplug the worktop sockets and move them somewhere else? Why not just use a flex outlet plate?

The 5A ones are for the undercupboard lights, I used sockets instead of FCU's because as the undercupboard lights are to be on the back extension lighting circuit, I did not want to have lots of unnessesre fuses for the undercupboard lights, as they will be protected by the 6A RCBO for the back extension lighting circuit.
But how often will you want to unplug the lights and move them somewhere else? Why not use flex outlet plates?
A ring final circuit is not a circle it is two routes to a supply source.

I think the clue is in the name here, ring main/fc - if the actual definition of it is two routes back to the same source, then should I change the 2.5mm spur off my ring main to a 4mm because it's wired from the supply souce, and not a spur off the ring, by your definition?

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