Return of the cold war.

15 May 2008
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United Kingdom
The Russians and the Americans are on a collision course, Russia isn't going to be pushed around anymore by the Yanks and the west. The siting of American missiles on Russias borders is madness, people just don't seem to learn the lessons of history. Next thing we will be hearing is that with all Americas new technology the Russians can be easily defeated. I am going to post in the DIY section of the forum for info on diy nuclear shelters to be on the safe side.
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Somebody should remind the yanks what happened when the Russians planted missiles on Cuban soil. It almost started WW3 back in 1962.
Somebody should remind the yanks what happened when the Russians planted missiles on Cuban soil. It almost started WW3 back in 1962.

Now known as "The week the world held it's breath"

I've got a bad feeling with bush and putin we could soon be holding our breath again.
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Somebody should remind the yanks what happened when the Russians planted missiles on Cuban soil. It almost started WW3 back in 1962.

Now known as "The week the world held it's breath"

I've got a bad feeling with bush and putin we could soon be holding our breath again.

I thought it was known as the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' or the 'Missiles of October'?
Russia has already threatened to nuke Poland. :eek:

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Putin and Bush are very dangerous people. How's the shelter coming on, tosser? Fancy sharing the plans?
We should start a "DIY Shelter" thread. Shytalks can design the structure as a freebie. Joe will be the morale officer. lol

If anyone knows anything about the ROC posts scattered around the country (observation posts for monitoring the aftermath of a nuclear exchange) - then it may be worth finding a local one - and join the queue!

I always thought that we were destined for a WW3 with the commies at some stage. It does seem inevitable
I have the map references for all the R.O.C. shelters :D
watching a nuclear movie called threads gave me the creeps.

I hope those two nutcases calm down or we will have to live through "threads" for real.

I'd rather die in a direct hit than run to a nuclear bunker. Surely these would be useless in the aftermath of a full scale nuclear attack, the food and water would run out before anything could be grown again.

Some countries would be likely to be spared (i.e. africa and sout america). We would probably become refugess towards countries that today we classify as third world.

Joe90 would become an asylum seeker in the likes of Somalia, kenya, ghana, nigeria etc etc :LOL:
With 60 million mouths to feed we'd resort to cannibalism. Then disease, hunger and fallout would finish us off.
no major cities would be left but countryside would survive largly unaffected by the bomb blasts. It would obviously suffer the fallout.
I would assune that scotland would have some safe heavens even though every bugger would be going there in the first place thinking the same.

Spme refugees may make it to north africa but even that would be likely to have been wiped out by isreal, the other usa puppet.

Somalia would be the best bet imho, if you could get there before you starve.
If anyone remembers Yule Brynner in "Ultimate Warrior" - then that will be me ..... armed with a claw hammer and trowel ready to take on post-apocalyptic DIY for the highest bidder.

I wonder if we stop paying the commies all the roubles for their gas, then surely they would not afford to pay their armies, and we could then concentrate on bombing the Iranians?
well wait till russia signs a mutual defense agreement with iran and the israelis nuke iran no matter what, you'll have joe90 and the rest of Europe crying "asylum" in no time.

It'll happen sooner than you think imho.
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