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I think not mr bond ........... Everyones laughing at you BILLY BS

Just saying something doesnt make it so you should know as you are the king of b###x
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You really have difficulty dealing with defeat.
Not uncommon with megalomaniacs ;)
You really have difficulty dealing with defeat.
Not uncommon with megalomaniacs ;)

you are becoming the NEW mickey moody and are losing your tenuous grip on reality

your good sport though the most consistent t@@@@ser i have encountered on the internet for a while

quick dr NO is coming
As your obviously fixated, and they say it is better to confront it.
Here is some assistance.

You really need to go out and get some (Ocot) Pussy. Give her a good Thunderball. Go die another day. Your (Gold) finger is not on the pulse these days. You only live twice you know, and you never know if her majesties secret service let alone the Spacecats are watching.
For you it seems the world is not enough and if your not careful you might get from russia with love, or maybe not.
Your really a moonraker with a licence to kill but you do know diamonds are forever. By the way, how is your goldeneye ? I heard it had the living daylights knocked out of it during skyfall.
I think your view to a kill is just (Dr) no way to behave. You should get help and find a quantum of solace somewhere.
Lets live and let die, keep this for your eyes only.
Because your really the spy who loves me.

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All that effort. All of it derivative of my stuff and none of it funny

try harder and be original
Nope, I have no need.
As before you need to confront your issues.
I was just trying to help.

Must be almost your bed time.
Cya tomorrow.
Again your having difficulty with what the sentence means.

Have a read of the Bible, many racist items in there.
See you in 6 months, thats a lot of screen prints.
...........Have a read of the Bible, many racist items in there.

It doesn't excuse it or make it right.

The rest of your post was nonsense, so I've ignored it. :LOL:
All that effort. All of it derivative of my stuff and none of it funny

try harder and be original

Don't you see? Its BECAUSE it's derivative of your stuff that makes it not funny. You are not a funny person. You think you are , but believe me. By keep trying to be amusing just shows you what a looser you are. Do everyone a big favour and shut your mouth.
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