now I know why

Thats bull mate , English people do not want these jobs, or very few do. If they did they would be out there doing them.
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Thats bull mate , English people do not want these jobs, or very few do. If they did they would be out there doing them.

I've been in a position to want those jobs. I'm English. Pretty sure I'm not one in 60m.

I also know people that work in factories packing fish, killing/plucking/gutting/packing chickens. They're English, except there's an ever increasing number of Eastern Europeans working there.

What happened to British jobs for British people?
British jobs for british people are still out there, british workers prepared to do crap jobs are few and far between for various reasons. Not because they are lazy but because britian is such an expensive place to live in.
I couldn't do factory work , I have a mortgage , car running costs , children to feed and support among other outgoings.
Havent you notice3d our shopping bills rising? I cant do a shop in tescos now for under 100 quid, thats each week.
British jobs for british people are still out there, british workers prepared to do crap jobs are few and far between for various reasons. Not because they are lazy but because britian is such an expensive place to live in.
I couldn't do factory work , I have a mortgage , car running costs , children to feed and support among other outgoings.
Havent you notice3d our shopping bills rising? I cant do a shop in tescos now for under 100 quid, thats each week.

Again, no it isn't. Let's look at the example of the person who works in a chicken factory.

Minimum wage, 38hrs/week. £500/month mortgage. Wife (who doesn't work) and a 14 month old. They manage luxuries such as a 42" LCD TV, full Sky package (inc. HD), they've just been abroad for a week. Obviously he gets working tax credits and they get child tax credits, but everyone is entitled to that (depending on income).

I find it difficult to understand how you spend >£100/week in Tescos. How many children to you have?!

There are PLENTY of British people willing to take the jobs you refer to.
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What opportunites?

I'm studying engineering at a university which is in the top 10 in the UK for the subject

I fall into the 'wouldn't mind a part-time job but I can get by without one' category. My girlfriend, however, graduated last July. She can't find employment, and like many her degree is specific to a very small area. She's applied for over 300 jobs and still can't find employment (ranging from care-work to HR). For the record, she doesn't claim Jobseekers because my student loan/grant is deemed as enough for 2 people to live on.

Student loan/grant for you to go to university, isn't that an opertunity? Or is it your God given right?

As for "the loan being deemed as enough for 2 people to live on"

Well if it wasn't than you wouldn't be in the category you describe your self in, would you?
British jobs for british people are still out there, british workers prepared to do crap jobs are few and far between for various reasons. Not because they are lazy but because britian is such an expensive place to live in.
I couldn't do factory work , I have a mortgage , car running costs , children to feed and support among other outgoings.
Havent you notice3d our shopping bills rising? I cant do a shop in tescos now for under 100 quid, thats each week.

Again, no it isn't. Let's look at the example of the person who works in a chicken factory.

Minimum wage, 38hrs/week. £500/month mortgage. Wife (who doesn't work) and a 14 month old. They manage luxuries such as a 42" LCD TV, full Sky package (inc. HD), they've just been abroad for a week. Obviously he gets working tax credits and they get child tax credits, but everyone is entitled to that (depending on income).

I find it difficult to understand how you spend >£100/week in Tescos. How many children to you have?!

There are PLENTY of British people willing to take the jobs you refer to.

lol That just shows your age and how much you know about real life.
What are your friends wages? what exactly does he do there?

Minimum wage (whatever it is); kills chickens.

Student loan/grant for you to go to university, isn't that an opertunity? Or is it your God given right?

If you use the opertunities you have being british, there is no reason why you should be worried about imigrants taking your job.

I've only taken this 'opportunity' because I was sick of not being able to find work. I'm not worried about immigrants taking the jobs that will be available to me in the future; what does worry me is when ordinary British folk can't find jobs but there are plenty of immigrants over here in employment. I'm not sitting here going I'm all right, Jack. I actually care about the British nationals who can't find work.

As for "the loan being deemed as enough for 2 people to live on"

Well if it wasn't than you wouldn't be in the category you describe your self in, would you?

The loan/grants/bursary come to somewhere in the region of £8.5k. Deduct £4800 for rent, another £400 for electricity, £300 for transport to & from Uni, and we're left with a measly £3k, or less than £58/week to live on. For two people. I put myself in the 'I can get by without one' category because I can get by. We rarely have luxuries, and have to watch pretty much every penny, but we're not starving, hence we get by.

lol That just shows your age and how much you know about real life.

See above. I know plenty about real life.
See above. I know plenty about real life.

Don't let them wind you up mate. I can remember being a university student and in them days it was free, but I like many still struggled.

But hey, I was madly in love with one of my tutors even though at the time she was quite old, must have been all of 28.

Don't let them wind you up mate. I can remember being a university student and in them days it was free, but I like many still struggled.

But hey, I was madly in love with one of my tutors even though at the time she was quite old, must have been all of 28.[/quote]

Now do you make more money as a handyman than a graduate? :D

Seriously, to those who argue that the immigrants take jobs that the brits don't want I ask if they believe that it is worthy having the extra burden on the nhs with higher birth rates, further shortage in social housing etc etc.
Many of these people also work cash in hand, how do they get to send money home if they are on minimum wage doing jobs that the brits supposedly refuse?
By living 20 to a room, working 20hrs a day for 2 bob.
Being part of prostitution, dvd duplication. As mentioned scamming the benefits.

Easily sorted.
1, shoot the do-gooders
2, shoot again in case one survived
3, do to them as they do to us in their country IE F@@K off, you get nothing.
4, shoot do-gooders
5, did I miss shooting
6, again , just in case

How the fuc can an immigrent come here claim benefit and then claim child benefit for his siblings in another country when they will never come here?
Our child benefit is higher than their monthly wage there (look it up, all there to see).
7, shoot do-gooders
Now do you make more money as a handyman than a graduate? :D

In the Army I made a reasonable wage, but bloody hard work. As a Civil Servant I made a pretty good wage, enough to have a slight surplus.

As a handyman I make, not a lot, but with my Army and CS pensions I can afford not to make a lot, but the pin-money is a 100% bonus. :LOL:
I tried for jobs working on the Olympic site in East London. For many of the agencies that offer jobs there, the first pre-requisite is an understanding of Polish or some other Eastern European language.
When the UK won the right to stage the Olympics, Labour ministers were overjoyed at the prospect of "British jobs for British workers" (their words not mine). However with Nu Labour's great social engineering experiment underway, it rapidly turned into British jobs for foreign workers.

I was made redundant in Nov 2009 and it took me months to find a job. (used to get stick on here for being unemployed).
The first casualty of any recession is the construction industry. It's also the last industry to come out of a recession.
At the moment I work 25hrs a week as a handyman. Yes I claim working tax credit (after all I'm entitled to it) If you can't beat them, join them.

The company I was made redundant from employed quite a few Polish workers on either minimum wage or just above. I asked one lad how he could afford to live on the minimum wage. His reply? "It's easy. I tell taxman I have wife and three children back in Poland. I get family working tax credit and child benefit."
I no have wife or children, but by time they find out I be long gone."

Says it all really

Some Polish workers would stay for around 6 months to a year then just disappear. No notice or anything. Their friends when asked if they knew what had happened always came out with the same excuse "They move back to Poland away from taxman."
Don't let them wind you up mate. I can remember being a university student and in them days it was free, but I like many still struggled.

But hey, I was madly in love with one of my tutors even though at the time she was quite old, must have been all of 28.

I'm not. There just seems to be an attitude with some people on this forum that if you're young, you know nothing, because of course they're old & wise and nobody younger than them can possibly know anything. :rolleyes:

28? You lucky git. None of mine are this side of 50. :LOL:
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