now I know why

I tried for jobs working on the Olympic site in East London. For many of the agencies that offer jobs there, the first pre-requisite is an understanding of Polish or some other Eastern European language.
When the UK won the right to stage the Olympics, Labour ministers were overjoyed at the prospect of "British jobs for British workers" (their words not mine). However with Nu Labour's great social engineering experiment underway, it rapidly turned into British jobs for foreign workers.

I was made redundant in Nov 2009 and it took me months to find a job. (used to get stick on here for being unemployed).
The first casualty of any recession is the construction industry. It's also the last industry to come out of a recession.
At the moment I work 25hrs a week as a handyman. Yes I claim working tax credit (after all I'm entitled to it) If you can't beat them, join them.

The company I was made redundant from employed quite a few Polish workers on either minimum wage or just above. I asked one lad how he could afford to live on the minimum wage. His reply? "It's easy. I tell taxman I have wife and three children back in Poland. I get family working tax credit and child benefit."
I no have wife or children, but by time they find out I be long gone."

Says it all really

Some Polish workers would stay for around 6 months to a year then just disappear. No notice or anything. Their friends when asked if they knew what had happened always came out with the same excuse "They move back to Poland away from taxman."

The truth is that many of these immigrants will never consider the UK to be their home even if they end up living here 40 years and die here.

Many asylum seekers go back to their "home" countries for holidays once they get their british passport. No one checks on this. Look at the somalian criminal who killed the policewoman in yourkshire, guess where he went on the run, in the same country he was supposed to have escaped.... :rolleyes:

The stats show that 81% of somalis are economically inactive, 50% of pakistani bagladeshi and iranian are also economically inactive. But sorry, these are the people that do the jobs that the brits don't want....
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Anyone discussing this issue, on this site is never going to get anywhere, because you have informed people, that base their posts on facts, and statistics, and those bigots that understand one view, and one view only, and will never be swayed by the truth.

There are many Polish only based job agencies over here, recruiting directly from Poland etc, to work in Polish only speaking factories, with a minority of English workers there, and a requirement of the job, is that the English person must be bi-lingual to work there. FACT.

The unemployed figure of 2M, isn't correct, it's closer to 4M, as the figures are massaged, as other terms are used, such as New Deal, InTraining, Invalidity credits, etc..

The statement that all people on the dole, are workshy, tax dodgers, is just a nonsense, dreampt up by the rubbish red tops that people like to read. Sure a bad apple spoils the barrel, but that's what it is, a minority. How many people working, fiddle their expenses, fiddle their overtime, or steal stationary from their employers? I'm sure some employers would be interested in their employees extreme views and bullying on this forum.

But it's never going to be sorted, walking around with eyes wide shut. A few people need to grow up, and accept life, and responsibility. Those that say, I work for a living, and I'm all right Jack, might just try to work for charity, to give something back, rather than put a few coppers in a bucket, and experience REAL LIFE.
Don't let them wind you up mate. I can remember being a university student and in them days it was free, but I like many still struggled.

But hey, I was madly in love with one of my tutors even though at the time she was quite old, must have been all of 28.

I'm not. There just seems to be an attitude with some people on this forum that if you're young, you know nothing, because of course they're old & wise and nobody younger than them can possibly know anything. :rolleyes:

28? You lucky git. None of mine are this side of 50. :LOL:

No body is saying that , what we are saying is you lead a much different life style to some of us ''grown ups''. Your a student ffs , you dont work , have few responsibility's, struggle to make ends meet, live with your missus who also doesn't work , you get a loan that takes care of your rent and bills and you reckon your living a normal life? you have no real worries mate, and if you think you do you need a reality check.
No body is saying that,

Read below, that is exactly what you are saying.

what we are saying

WE? Nope just you.

you lead a much different life style to some of us ''grown ups''.

Sorry, but you come across as quite immature.

Your a student ffs , you dont work , have few responsibility's, struggle to make ends meet, live with your missus who also doesn't work , you get a loan that takes care of your rent and bills and you reckon your living a normal life? you have no real worries mate, and if you think you do you need a reality check.

So you have never been to Uni or you would know that Uni is bloody hard work.
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No body is saying that , what we are saying is you lead a much different life style to some of us ''grown ups''. Your a student ffs , you dont work , have few responsibility's, struggle to make ends meet, live with your missus who also doesn't work , you get a loan that takes care of your rent and bills and you reckon your living a normal life? you have no real worries mate, and if you think you do you need a reality check.

Do you knows the ins & outs of my life? No? Didn't think so. But of course, you can only see what I've written here and that must be my entire life.

How dare you suggest that you're a "grown up" with such misinformed statements? You're all too eager to say that at 22 I'm still growing up and that I have few responsibilities, yet never bother to justify why you're any different.

I have a girlfriend who in the past 2 weeks has spent over 5 hours in the presence of various optometrists, opticians and whoever else has anything to do with sight. She's also spent time in an MRI machine in that 2 weeks, and is booked in for a lumbar puncture; the last time she had one she was bedbound with a crippling headache for over a week, unable to eat or even walk by herself. My parents are forever arguing; being the only understanding son in the family I'm the one my mum turns to to confide in. They're edging closer to divorce after 35+ years. And my brother faces losing his job thanks to the cutbacks at Tata. These are the just the tip of a rather bl**dy large iceberg.

Responsibilities? Worries? Of course not; they're only for 'grown ups' like you. I didn't want to inform you, or infact anyone else of the above, but maybe now instead of sitting there with your small-minded, 'you're young so we know better' views, you'll actually form an argument based on facts instead of trying to belittle others because they're younger than you. Oh, and have you noticed the other people in this thread that have backed up what I've said? Why are they wrong?

Oh and by the way, it's "you're", not "your".
Go out , get your self a job , a mortgage , kids , bills , overheads, among other things , come back then.
Uni is hard, for some maybe, for those prepared to work it gets easier.
You can moan all you want about how hard it is, I found it hard but boy was I in shock when I had to join the rest of the world afterwards.

I am not saying you are immature ES, I am saying you lead a totally different life style to the bloke who works for a living, surely someone as clever as you can understand where that's coming from?

Sorry to hear about your missus.

And to be fair you moan about immigrants who work for a living yet you dont nor would y6ou want to do their job?
I dont think you are in any position to moan about someone working for pittance trying to support their family and get by.
Go out , get your self a job , a mortgage , kids , bills , overheads, among other things , come back then.

I've had plenty of jobs, and paid rent for my own flat from my income. Infact I haven't lived at home since I was 18. Can I come back now?

Uni is hard, for some maybe, for those prepared to work it gets easier.
You can moan all you want about how hard it is, I found it hard but boy was I in shock when I had to join the rest of the world afterwards.

Do you see me moaning about how hard it is?

I am not saying you are immature ES, I am saying you lead a totally different life style to the bloke who works for a living, surely someone as clever as you can understand where that's coming from?

I've worked for a living. See above. I've done various jobs since the age of 16, while going to college to qualify as an electrician. The only reason I'm at Uni is because I was sick of the uncertainty of where my next rent payment was coming from. I now lead a different life; but I have lead that life.

Sorry to hear about your missus.


And to be fair you moan about immigrants who work for a living yet you dont nor would y6ou want to do their job?
I dont think you are in any position to moan about someone working for pittance trying to support their family and get by.

Like I said, I would have been happy with a stable income and have done the sort of jobs they do. I have a problem with the fact that in some factories now, the majority of workers are Eastern European - see Mickymoody's comment. I have a problem that while these jobs used to be done by British workers, they're now being done by immigrants while British workers can't find work. So we have immigrant workers earning a living while British workers, who used to do the jobs that immigrants do now, are stuck on Jobseekers.

They (immigrants) could quite easily support their families in their native countries.
We are going around in circles here fella.
I have a mushroom farm up the road , its all or mostly immigrants who do the lesser paid piece work, I buy a lot of compost from the guy who owns it. Next time I'm over there I will ask him why he only seems to employ immigrants, see what he says.

I dont think this subject is as simple as we make it out to be , for instance location has a huge part to play,break that down to living costs in any location, number of jobs , number of people per square mile , for instance rural areas wont have as many immigrants because of lack of work.
Remember immigrants are mobile and will go to where the jobs are , you and me wont be able to do that as easily.

Cost of living will play a huge part , cost of housing etc.
For instance john smith loses his decently paid job, has a mortgage and kids, car to run etc etc. The last thing John wants to do is work for minimum wage, he will lose his home , car and fail to provide for his kids.

A factory owned by another English fella turns over 3 million a year profit yet he wont pay English workers a decent wage even though he can, the only people able to do the job for minimum wage are immigrants. Who is to blame for this?

Its easy to say immigrants are leaving brits out of work but quite a lot of the time brits are leaving brits out of work to maximise profits.

I have worked quite a few building sites with immigrant workers, they dont work for less than the rest of us , they work harder though than most , provide good quality work and dont complain all day long, like most of the brits did.
Another thing you have to remember about agencies , whilst i have little to do today and feel lazy :LOL: , is that they dont give you a decent contract , dont give you any kind of security, can sack you without notice and pay very little.
Try getting a mortgage whilst working for minimum wage through an agency with not secure contract?
I dont know about you but I wouldn't take a job like that seriously , an immigrant would though because it might suit their lifestyle better?

Have you ever been an immigrant worker ES?
I have worked quite a few building sites with immigrant workers, they dont work for less than the rest of us , they work harder though than most , provide good quality work and dont complain all day long, like most of the brits did.

That video is a fake fella , its not hard to see that. funny though.
Another thing you have to remember about agencies , whilst i have little to do today and feel lazy :LOL: , is that they dont give you a decent contract , dont give you any kind of security, can sack you without notice and pay very little.
Try getting a mortgage whilst working for minimum wage through an agency with not secure contract?
I dont know about you but I wouldn't take a job like that seriously , an immigrant would though because it might suit their lifestyle better?

Have you ever been an immigrant worker ES?
Whilst I was unemployed, I signed up with an agency. They told me they had enough work to last at least 9 months. I signed off the dole to work for them. Worked for a week and a half ,tried phoning them, texting them and emailing them about work. Got no reply at all to any communication and had to sign back on. 5 weeks later they were texting me asking if I was available for 2 nights work.
Yep these agencies will promise you the earth and actually give you next to nothing. Why they can't be honest with people is beyond me.
I responded to one agency advertising for a carpenters mate on £8.50p an hour, permanent position. They got me an interview with the firm that was looking for a "Carpenters Mate"
At the interview, it became plain that the company were actually looking for someone to work in a warehouse for only 2 weeks on minimum wage.
WTF ???
I wouldn't trust agencies as far as I could throw them.
They are vultures John. In Spain there were protests on the streets to stop employment agencies doing what they do.
I have a mushroom farm up the road , its all or mostly immigrants who do the lesser paid piece work, I buy a lot of compost from the guy who owns it. Next time I'm over there I will ask him why he only seems to employ immigrants, see what he says.

Please do, and then ask him why he's taking work from British folk and giving it to immigrants.

I dont think this subject is as simple as we make it out to be , for instance location has a huge part to play,break that down to living costs in any location, number of jobs , number of people per square mile , for instance rural areas wont have as many immigrants because of lack of work.

Your logic is correct, except the factories I've referred to are in rural areas. ;) Number of jobs is low, and following the influx of immigrants into the area, there are even less available.

Remember immigrants are mobile and will go to where the jobs are , you and me wont be able to do that as easily.

True, but when have you ever heard about there being a lack of workers in an area, or a 100% employment rate for a certain area?

Cost of living will play a huge part , cost of housing etc.
For instance john smith loses his decently paid job, has a mortgage and kids, car to run etc etc. The last thing John wants to do is work for minimum wage, he will lose his home , car and fail to provide for his kids.

A factory owned by another English fella turns over 3 million a year profit yet he wont pay English workers a decent wage even though he can, the only people able to do the job for minimum wage are immigrants. Who is to blame for this?

But that's what I've been trying to say; Brits are perfectly willing to work for minimum wage for doing 's**t' jobs. If John's on the dole, he'll lose that anyway (except his house if he has the relevant insurances).

Its easy to say immigrants are leaving brits out of work but quite a lot of the time brits are leaving brits out of work to maximise profits.

Can't argue with that, but don't forget it's law to pay at least minimum wage, irrespective of where the worker comes from.

I have worked quite a few building sites with immigrant workers, they dont work for less than the rest of us , they work harder though than most , provide good quality work and dont complain all day long, like most of the brits did.

You're telling me all immigrant construction workers are good & reliable? Most don't have the relevant knowledge when it comes to British regulations, which is important when it comes to things like gas & electric when our standards seem to be so different to theirs. We've mainly been referring to unskilled immigrants; construction workers don't often fall into the 'unskilled' category.

Another thing you have to remember about agencies , whilst i have little to do today and feel lazy :LOL: , is that they dont give you a decent contract , dont give you any kind of security, can sack you without notice and pay very little.
Try getting a mortgage whilst working for minimum wage through an agency with not secure contract?
I dont know about you but I wouldn't take a job like that seriously , an immigrant would though because it might suit their lifestyle better

Over the years millions of Brits have found work through agencies. Plenty of people will never own their own home because they find work through agencies. It's always been that way. More people on the dole = more paid out in housing/council tax benefit = more burden on the Government. Another reason for my 'British jobs for British workers' view.

Immigrants tend to share a house with their friends/family, sending money home (taking it out of our economy), and then leave when they've paid off their mortgage back home/when they're running from the taxman.

Have you ever been an immigrant worker ES?
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