salamander pump

25 Mar 2008
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United Kingdom
salamander ct50 shower was working before a new cylinder was installed.the hot supply isolation valve was in the closed postion before the water was turned back on.after opening the isolation valve the pump stops/starts for 2 seconds, sometimes 5 seconds
can these pumps be bled of air or do i need to add a thumb vent in the hot supply pipework up in the loft, (the pipework from the pump goes up and over to the bathroom)
i have tried opening the cold on the kitchen mixer tap to send mains water back up the hot outlet, w/o sucess or does not appear to have any effect
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Turn the pump off and run the shower to see if water flows freely. If not then it is definitely air. Due to way you describe the run of the pipes it does sound most likely. Is there a Surrey flange fitted on the outlet from the cylinder?
You will either need to push air back into the tank in the way you have been trying or get someone with a water vacuum to suck it out.
Also take the shower head off as this restricts the flow. Try it like this with and without the pump running.
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