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You try driving looking through a letterbox slot :confused:

See some pillocks trying the 'Porthole' method on frosty mornings! :eek:
I suppose if we had cars that had the ultimate sat nav, a bit like the vehicles that Captain Scarlet used to drive, then we'd all be safe.

As for frost portholes - most windscreens clear within a mile of setting off from home. Always amazes me how friction from windspeed against the glass is warmer than the simultaneous chill factor. It must be - otherwise how come the glass clears so quickly, since it takes longer for the engine to produce sufficient heat, surely, as indicated by the fact that it takes it so long to clear the internal mist.
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Always amazes me how friction from windspeed against the glass is warmer than the simultaneous chill factor

How fast do you drive?!?! :LOL:

As to paper driving licences, I'm 29 and I've got one... As my parents still live at the same address I've never had a problem when producing it to the boys in blue (sounds like I get stopped on a daily basis!) but I'm dreading the day they move and I have to buy into the photo licence gravy train...

As to driving licences, they have to remove their veil for the photo... But that doesn't mean it can be used for ID purposes as that doesn't mean they will remove their veil on request by a policeman.

Oh dear...

Alternatively you can bring an interpreter

Firstly, how can you pass your driving test if you won't understand instructions given to you by a road sign? Secondly, I know plenty of people who are bi/multilingual AND know their highway code... in theory they could pretend to translate the question and then just give the examiner the correct answer. :eek: