Should billionaires and multinationals pay fair tax?

And for those who advocate a middle ground, what exactly is the middle ground?

No. We advocate the building of thousands...millions of homes so that the bottom falls out of the market and greedy, grasping bloodsucking parasitic, misery inducing Rigsby's are stuck with their depreciating shítholes. (y)

If I hadn't been chopping logs, I'd have posted the above too (y)
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People will always want building work doing. Roofs, kitchens, patios etc don't last forever.
but the value of their home being worth less means they will want to spend less on those services.
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That's the shiny-shiny cuddly side yes.

I'd prefer if houses were as cheap as chips so that folk can afford a mortgage themselves.
Let me give you a real life example.

One of my tenants is a slightly older lady, I think she's ~70. Single, separated from her partner x years back, moved to be closer to her mum and her roots.

Too old to buy a place. Quite happy to rent. Lived in another rental prior to mine and loves the property. Says I'm a great landlord, very attentive, reasonable rent.

She says the only thing that will make her move is if she gets too immobile for the stairs. I have however offered to install a stairlift if that time comes as she's a great tenant and I'd be happy to keep her.

There you go, real life example, choose to believe it or not, I could not give a proverbial f....

There will be examples like that with slight variations all over the country.

Not ... everybody ... wants ... to ... buy ... a ... property.
Not ... everybody ... wants ... social ... housing.
Not ... everybody ... wants ... to ... buy ... a ... property.
Not ... everybody ... wants ... social ... housing.
Rigsby's want house values to increase as much as possible.

Rigsby's luuurve unlucky folk that can't get a mortgage themselves.

See what I did there.
So you can understand that a private landlord can set the rent modestly and provide a good service, because he's happy to make a little money on the investment and wants to keep his tenant happy?

Fine by me, on the proviso that the country builds the millions of houses needed to make the "market" less of a scramble.

Or do you only like free market capitalism when it is not actually "free", but manipulated in a way that suits you?
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