Should Rishi Apologise?

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Brianna Ghey's father demands apology from PM after transgender jibe in Commons​

Brianna Ghey's father told Sky News that Rishi Sunak's comments were "dehumanising" and he should apologise for them.

The father of murdered transgender teenager Brianna Ghey has demanded an apology from Rishi Sunak, saying he was "shocked" by the prime minister's comments in the Commons today.

Speaking to Sky News, Peter Spooner said Mr Sunak's remarks during PMQs, which the schoolgirl's mother Esther Ghey attended, were "degrading" and "absolutely dehumanising".

He said: "As the prime minister for our country to come out with degrading comments like he did, regardless of them being in relation to discussions in parliament, they are absolutely dehumanising.

"Identities of people should not be used in that manner, and I personally feel shocked by his comments and feel he should apologise for his remarks."
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Rishy was speaking from pre prepared answers to Starmy's pmq's, but it is sad that the tragic death is being used as a political football. Stoking culture wars isn't going to get the tories back in power.
Rishy was speaking from pre prepared answers to Starmy's pmq's, but it is sad that the tragic death is being used as a political football. Stoking culture wars isn't going to get the tories back in power.

I wouldn't bet against it, they will supercharge the issue like they did with Brexit, they know they have a pliant media and rabble of supporters who just need something to tear into and hate.

Nasty party for nasty people, it was ever thus.
I wouldn't bet against it, they will supercharge the issue like they did with Brexit, they know they have a pliant media and rabble of supporters who just need something to tear into and hate.

Nasty party for nasty people, it was ever thus.

Starmy will follow them (tory policies) closer than his own shadow, it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't appear on a Kent beach saying they shall not pass, his desire for power is insatiable and people are ready for a change. He is a pound shop bliar, but will only last a term.
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Needed to pick his moment. This wasn't it.

She really isn't a football.

Just been to a funeral today. Seeing a dad in bits after loosing his son. Heartbreaking!
Nothing to apologise for.
Not according to the father of the murdered teenager Brianna Ghey has demanded Rishi Sunak apologise after the prime minister made a jibe at the expense of transgender people just after being told Brianna’s mother was watching him in the House of Commons.

After the exchanges, at prime minister’s questions, Brianna’s father, Peter Spooner, called Sunak’s comments “absolutely dehumanising”.

“For the prime minister of our country to come out with degrading comments like he did, regardless of them being in relation to discussions in parliament, they are absolutely dehumanising,” he told Sky News. “Identities of people should not be used in that manner, and I personally feel shocked by his comments and feel he should apologise for his remarks.”

Starmer broke the rules of the house when referring to someone in the public gallery.
Looked to me that Starmer is the one to apologise. Clutching at anything to appear offended on behalf of someone else just to score points.
Says Mottie desperately trying to score points

Brianna Ghey's father demands apology from PM after transgender jibe in Commons​

Brianna Ghey's father told Sky News that Rishi Sunak's comments were "dehumanising" and he should apologise for them.

The father of murdered transgender teenager Brianna Ghey has demanded an apology from Rishi Sunak, saying he was "shocked" by the prime minister's comments in the Commons today.

Speaking to Sky News, Peter Spooner said Mr Sunak's remarks during PMQs, which the schoolgirl's mother Esther Ghey attended, were "degrading" and "absolutely dehumanising".

He said: "As the prime minister for our country to come out with degrading comments like he did, regardless of them being in relation to discussions in parliament, they are absolutely dehumanising.

"Identities of people should not be used in that manner, and I personally feel shocked by his comments and feel he should apologise for his remarks."

Starmer has every right to sue Sunak for defamation

Re: Sunaks interview with Piers Morgan where he accused Starmer of representing terrorists.
So Rishi shouldn’t have mentioned Starmers change of policies? I’m surprised Notch or Gally haven’t mentioned them…..
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