Single storey large rear extension

:confused: If the extension projects 8m you have more than 7m garden according to that photo, looks more like double that :!:
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The dog leg might make it a side extension.

PD has limit of 3m above ground level to eves.

Had a word with a local planning officer earlier and he also raised the question on what you stated ''The dog leg might make it a side extension". I am still confused to why this would be, could you (or anyone else) explain further please?
Had a word with a local planning officer earlier and he also raised the question on what you stated ''The dog leg might make it a side extension". I am still confused to why this would be, could you (or anyone else) explain further please?

The short 1.5m wall is your problem.

Google 'General Permitted Development Order(England) 2015' There's a lot of legal waffle in it because that's the actual legislation for Permitted Development (forget the Planning Portal - that's often useless).

Turn to page 17 and you will find that your proposal falls foul of A(1)(j), which states:

[It is not permitted development if]

"the enlarged part of the dwelling house would extend beyond a wall forming a side elevation of the original dwelling house, and would--
(i) exceed 4m in height,
(ii) have more than one storey, or
(iii) have a width greater than half the width of the original dwellinghouse."

Unfortunately, its the last point which catches you out because the 1.5m wall is a side-facing wall.
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yep, will be going down that route now.

back wall.jpg

Slightly annoyed with that small wall tho! lol
Waiting on the PO to get back to me - hopefully tomorrow.

In the meantime I been thinking....

I should be able to go back from the 6m wall up to 8m depth - under the neighbour consultation scheme, correct?

With regards the 'side 1.5m wall' would it not be possible to apply for a side ext (again under the neighbour scheme) and come out 8m? The width of the property at the front is approx. 12m, at the rear it is approx. 9.5m, half the width of this would keep me within the 4m-ish required for side ext, yes?

If 2 separate applications are added can the 'dividing' wall be removed to make one open area?

See attached.
A is neighbour consultation scheme rear ext
B is neighbour consultation scheme side ext

Back ext plan 3.jpg
On your drawn plan, the back wall of the house appears to be in one plane, while the satellite pic shows a projection. If that is the case, you cannot extend fully across the back to any depth without planning permission. The 8m rule would not apply because it would not be permitted development.
You could extend on the projecting part by 4m (or 8m if you use the consultation scheme), but any extension of the wider part would not be PD because of the short projection.
It would help get more meaningful responses/explanations if you could post a pic of the back of the house.
See attached.

there was a storage built on the side of the rear - I will be hopefully removing this for a side extension at a later date and therefore have not included it in my plans for the rear extension.

Image 1 - Map
Image 2 - the Orange filled area's are what has been added to the property. A side storage room and an additional garage at the front.

I have highlighted the 2 area's in Red (A) and Green (B).
A is neighbour consultation scheme rear ext
B is neighbour consultation scheme side ext

Hope the images clarify the point I am attempting to make, that this should be classed under permitted dev?
If 2 separate applications are added can the 'dividing' wall be removed to make one open area?


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Just submit one planning application for what you want to build in my opinion.
I shall be.
I want to go 9.5m from the back "side wall". This will give me the 9.5mx9.5m that I ideally would require. This will be full planning application. Along with this I will add on to the application the side extension (facing highway so this has to go via full planning regardless).

My questions earlier was as a fall back if I do not get the 9.5x9.5. In your opinion(s) am I correct in thinking I can/will get the 8m x 9.5 permitted dev by applying for the 2 - rear and side ext on a permitted plan?
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In your opinion(s) am I correct in thinking I can/will get the 8m x 9.5 permitted dev by applying for the 2 - rear and side ext on a permitted plan?
Don't know ,beyond me to be honest. Probably not what you were asking but I never would guarantee the outcome of a planning application. I think these permitted development rules nowadays are more complicated than just applying for planning permission :!:
:D Thanks anyway.
Im still waiting to hear back from the council PO... but it looks like il be putting in plans for full planning permission.
Had a brief discussion with PO.
Have been told that for permitted Dev i could apply for a side and rear however i will be required to keep a gap in between?! So i guess that option is out the window.
Ahead with full planning ….
Remember that if it's permitted development, you don't need to 'apply' for anything.

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