We're planning on doing a single storey rear extension and hoping to do without the need for PP. Here's a little drawing i did:
View media item 68077
We would like a pitched roof but i have concerns for 2 reasons:
According to the extension guidance (http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/permission/commonprojects/extensions/) the "Maximum eaves height of an extension within two metres of the boundary of three metres." Does that mean that the red arrow can't be more than 3m or the green arrow ?
"Roof pitch of extensions higher than one storey to match existing house" So does that mean that the pitch of the roof on the extension needs to match that of the house because technically its goes higher than a single storey ?
Thanks in advance
We're planning on doing a single storey rear extension and hoping to do without the need for PP. Here's a little drawing i did:
View media item 68077
We would like a pitched roof but i have concerns for 2 reasons:
According to the extension guidance (http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/permission/commonprojects/extensions/) the "Maximum eaves height of an extension within two metres of the boundary of three metres." Does that mean that the red arrow can't be more than 3m or the green arrow ?
"Roof pitch of extensions higher than one storey to match existing house" So does that mean that the pitch of the roof on the extension needs to match that of the house because technically its goes higher than a single storey ?
Thanks in advance