Stop the Boats, clear the Asylum backlog.

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And the non legacy backlog is 94,000, worse than when he made his promise
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rate of processing plummeted under Tories

weve been through this a number of times: toxic home office, high turnover rate of staff, antiquated IT system, etc etc.
You seem to be assuming the process hasn't changed. There is an entire industry geared to making it hard for the Home office to decline applications.

Antiquated IT systems - find me a part of government that doesn't.
I thought we were discussing Asylum on this thread.

There are more than enough legitimacy people entering the uk to cover the falling birth rate
you said "Labour didnt have a handle on it"

I dont remember any real problems with asylums seekers, so I presumed you were referring to normal routes

seeking asylum is a legitimate route, despite this govt creating a dumb act that currently keeps them all here indefinitely
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of course its changed.

You also seem to have conveniently forgot the massive numbers we had under the last labour govt. and also with a very high rejection rate.

It's amazing how the corrupt politicians manage to blame everything on them 'foreigners'...

Even though immigration is but a small part of the problem...

But then given the lack of intelligence of much of the electorate they don't have to worry about the real causes of the decay in the UK!
@denso13 said we aren’t taking any. How on earth can we have a back log ?
Conservatives introduced the illegal migrant act preventing people arriving by small boats from applying for asylum.

therefore they aren’t adding to the backlog….and neither are they going anywhere :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

It’s like GP surgeries that made every appointment a “book on the day” - if you can’t book an appointment theres no waiting list
of course its changed.

You also seem to have conveniently forgot the massive numbers we had under the last labour govt. and also with a very high rejection rate
high rejection rate is NOT processing rate.

the rate of progress of processing is massively slower due to higher staff turnover, antiquated it systems, use of Excel spreadsheets etc etc

no wonder you are a successful lawyer, you as slippery as an eel, you are a constant stream of dishonest debating.
you’ve not stated where or why

a clear indication you’ve lost the argument

A clear indication that the accuser has lost the arguement.

So you are happy to allow all and sundry to come to the a UK ?
Conservatives introduced the illegal migrant act preventing people arriving by small boats from applying for asylum.

therefore they aren’t adding to the backlog….and neither are they going anywhere :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

It’s like GP surgeries that made every appointment a “book on the day” - if you can’t book an appointment theres no waiting list
I wasn’t speaking to you was I ?
Sunakk is mistaken if he thinks asylum policy will win him the election. His better chance is irresponsible bribery like abolishing iht or slashing income tax.
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