Students to suffer again...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"The replacement for the Erasmus study exchange scheme will not fund tuition or travel costs, it has emerged – and the living allowance has been slashed.

The reality of the new project has triggered fresh accusations that ministers are crushing the hopes of huge numbers of students who want to live, study and travel abroad.

Boris Johnson promised last year that there was “no threat” to the hugely-popular Erasmus programme, but his Brexit trade deal then pulled the plug."

The European Commission paid travel costs of up to £1,315, but only students from the most disadvantaged backgrounds will receive help from the UK government.

And, most significantly, free studies in any EU country, plus some others in Europe, has been replaced by pressure on universities and colleges to strike deals."

Thus Boris lies yet again...

The rich of course will be able to carry on regardless, whilst the rest lose the chance to experience a different culture.

Whilst most UK students will be forced into crippling tuition fees/living costs in the UK.
And the UK xenophobic project grows by the day!

But that's what the brexiteers wanted...

A few 'taking back control' financially and the majority suffering!
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I think you have to look at it differently. In England students must pay for their education, via grants and loans. In other countries that is not the case. So surely it's wrong for a cross sovereign group to centrally collect taxes to fund an education scheme that not everyone can benefit from?

If you can't raise £1,500 with part time job work, then why should someone else fund you?
Boris Johnson promised last year that there was “no threat” to the hugely-popular Erasmus programme, but his Brexit trade deal then pulled the plug."
Thus Boris lies yet again...

I think you have to look at it differently.
I think it is you that has looked at ellal's post differently.
Ellal pointed out that BJ implied that there would be a replacement scheme that would wholly reflect the previous Erasmus scheme.
That is clearly not he case.

But you have restricted yourself to arguing for the merits of the new scheme, and not addressed the shortfall of the new scheme in comparison to the old scheme.
"Boris Johnson promised"

say no more.

obviously not true.
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Pah, university students are on the whole, beer swilling, pot smoking, lazy dirty layabouts. If they want four years (or more) time out from life in another country, why should we fund it? Get a job or get your parents to fund it like the ones in this country have to.

Have the EU broken any promises? :whistle:
Pah, university students are on the whole, beer swilling, pot smoking, lazy dirty layabouts. If they want four years (or more) time out from life in another country, why should we fund it? Get a job or get your parents to fund it like the ones in this country have to.

Have the EU broken any promises? :whistle:

Lol, Beer swilling tick, Pot smoking no tick (makes me violently sick), lazy, Maybe but possibly unusually for a student I had 30 hours of lectures, practical & tutorials each week, really cuts into the beer swilling time. Dirty, no not really, well maybe a bit, actually, yes, dirty.
Methinks you generalise too much.
I have a friend whose son got an engineering degree over 2 years ago. 'Cant' work because he has a bad back. All he can do at the moment is sit in a gaming chair playing online video games for 10 hours a day and go on the odd go-kart, rifle shooting or paintball day out. Thinks he should start a job on £50k a year so is not interested in any job with a starting salary less than that. He's never worked in his life, even part-time. 26 years old.
I have a friend whose son got an engineering degree over 2 years ago. 'Cant' work because he has a bad back. All he can do at the moment is sit in a gaming chair playing online video games for 10 hours a day and go on the odd go-kart, rifle shooting or paintball day out. Thinks he should start a job on £50k a year so is not interested in any job with a starting salary less than that. He's never worked in his life, even part-time. 26 years old.
Presumably he's being supported by the state or parents? There is the problem.
you mean, not stay at home at the taxpayer's expense, photographing their dinner and walking the dog?
Yep, me and 4.7 million others on furlough. Thanks God we have a Tory government that supports businesses. Thanks Boris. (y)

Even if I wasn’t working, the difference between me and a 26 year old that has never worked is that I’ve paid into the system for nearly 50 years.

Off to walk the dog now, I’ll post pictures up of my tea later. ;)
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