Supporting Ukraine

The only things that come out of Russia are

Kaspersky antivirus software

I don't think they contribute much else.
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If you haven't noticed, it was vinty raising the spectre of 'foreigners'...

But why are you are you coming in on his behalf?

Oh, but I forgot that old saying...

r*****s of a feather stick together (n)
Rascals? I have no connection with France and as far as I know, neither does Vinty. :sneaky:
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"Kleptocracy tours", by Guardian journalist Roman Borisovich, aim to show the extent of London properties owned by Russian criminals.

'Kleptocracy tours' expose state failure to stop dirty money buying up London | Roman Borisovich | The Guardian

Some salient quotes:

"In Westminster alone, we don’t know who owns one out of 10 properties. Not because we are rubbish investigators – rather the system of offshore corporate vehicles is designed for this purpose, so that the real proprietor cannot be traced".

"this ... has turned many London properties into the reserve currency of international crime".

On the plus side, if Russian owns 1 in 10 west end properties, they are less likely to drop a bomb there!
The only things that come out of Russia are

Kaspersky antivirus software

I don't think they contribute much else.
they are famous for their cuisine....stroganoff, cabbage soup, novichok herbal tea
We should boycott BP filling stations until they sell their stake in Rosneft.
As has been said, BP has sold at least much of its stake in Rosneft. However, we should boycott many Russian interests such as:
Gazprom, Lukoil, Chelsea Football Club, Sberbank, British Conservative Party, Russian Railways....
Not so simples for poor Alexander over at compare the meekat. A casualty of war.
They are also famous for the worlds most used military firearm that AK47 ?
They are also famous for the worlds most used military firearm that AK47 ?
Not really a positive.

On the world scene, Russia seems to be a taker not a giver and contributes little to the world, but causes a lot of its problems.
Things are looking pretty bad.

Putin has just basically said, get all US nuclear weapons out of Europe, or else.
It's a lose-lose situation for Europe, and yes, that does include the UK!
Things are looking pretty bad.

Putin has just basically said, get all US nuclear weapons out of Europe, or else.
It's a lose-lose situation for Europe, and yes, that does include the UK!
He knows that's not going to happen. It will probably mean N.A.T.O. will put more nukes in Europe.
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