Texecom Premier Elite 48 Polling Problem

8 Nov 2016
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I am a DIY installer but would like to ask the experts for some help. have just finished installing a Texecom Premier Elite 48 panel. The panel is fitted with Ricochet 32 XP-W and Com-IP modules. The installation and setup has run smoothly so far, but I am running into a problem with the push notifications to the Texecom App. I have been in touch with Texecom support and we have identified that the panel is not polling every 15 mins which in turn is preventing the push notification account working correctly.

I have tried all of the troubleshooting steps provided by Texecom support but so far nothing has worked and the panel does not appear to be polling correctly. I have tried setting the polling time for 1 minute and 5 minutes. Texecom support say the panel should update itself to polling every 15 minutes if the polling with their servers is successful.

I can access the panel using Wintex (on my home network) so I am confident the ComIP module is working correctly. I have opened the correct port (10001) on my router.

I live in Portugal but Texecom say this should not affect the polling functionality. Whenever I try and perform a test call, the event log in Wintex shows the call has failed.

I have the ComIP module attached to Com port 2. The panel is running v3.02 firmware.

When I attempt a test call the keypad initially shows IP Connecting... then IP Sending... but the call fails.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to resolve the polling issue? As I am still in the process of setting up the panel so I can reset the panel to the factory default settings in case I have inadvertently changed a setting, but I have been through the settings menus several times and cannot see any obvious problems.

I am only using the keypad for attempting the test call as I am aware the panel only accepts one connection and using Wintex will prevent the panel from polling.

I have noticed an issue with using the Ricochet software as I do not see the PIR signal security information at the bottom of the screen. I'm not sure if this is related but wanted to mention this in case I have made a mistake somewhere with the setup.

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Control Panel Setup for Polling

To setup the Control Panel for Polling do the following:

  • Enter your Engineers Code

  • Press  then / twice (Global Options/System Timers)

  • Scroll to Poll IP Every

  • Press / and then enter a value 15 minutes (015).

    Polling must be first set up via the keypad programming and NOT via wintex
    Big issues with Android when using the app ?
    Texecom support seam to blame other equipment and not their app

OK, thanks for the feedback. I have already tried your suggestion (using the keypad and not Wintex) without success. Do you know if there is a way to tell if the panel is polling correctly i.e. is anything written to the event log? The reason I tried a different polling interval is because Texecom support said the panel should update itself automatically to 15 minutes, thus, if I entered 1 or 5 minutes as the polling interval and the panel polled to their sever successfully, it would automatically update itself to 15 minutes. This has not happened so my current working assumption is the panel is not polling correctly.
Has it got the correct server numbers in the unit ?


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Here is a screenshot from the Comms Page in Wintex (although I entered this information using the keypad)

I do have an account number, but I removed this for security reasons

Remove the com ip from com port
Then turn off com port by making it nothing fitted.
That should reset com port
Now reconnect com ip to com port and make port ip mod
Now go into global and set poll 15 mins .you must set this by the keypad.
OK, I have followed the steps you provided and the test call is now working :). I am not receiving the notifications on my Android device, but this is a step in the right direction. Previously Texecom support told me that the panel needs to poll the server at least 3 times otherwise the account becomes dormant, so perhaps I need to wait for at least 3 polling attempts before my Texecom app will start to work.

Many thanks for your help. I will report back tomorrow concerning the Texecom app and whether it works.
Go into app
Select my site and hold down should the show edit
Select edit
Select notifications
Select register account
Server response should say user already registered
Then go to connect to site
Should say updating ip
Then should have blue dot in top left hand corner to show connected

If so you are connected
Big issues with Android devices and you will have to keep re registering your device to keep connected
This is not good
Tech support will not admit that there is a problem
Texecom say you cant use wintex, to set the poll timer but you can, the only issue is you need to disconnect wintex for the poll to be successful, same reason why you should keep the app permanently connected to the panel, so its easier and less likely to give you a headache.

if you go into engineering and set the poll timer to 1 minute via the keypad is the easiest and best way, check on it again later it should have gone to 15 minutes eventually.

this way you know its talking.

as mentioned above the android is a hit and miss affair and the apple devices do favour much better, as for not admitting a problem they say the service isn't guaranteed.

I do hope its sorted properly soon.
I am now pleased to say that everything is working as expected. I have tried multiple test calls and each attempt has been successful. I am receiving notifications on my Android device. I do have one quick question. When I carry out a test call I receive the following notification on the Texecom App. Is this a normal response to a test call? I thought I might receive a notification saying the test call was successful rather than a warning about a transmitter battery fault. I just want to be certain this is a standard notification rather than another possible problem with the panel.

I agree with the comments concerning the Android App. It keeps crashing and is not an enterprise quality solution. I hope an update is in the pipeline.

Not sort about the battery fault ?
I would set alarm off by a device and then check that the information is correct.

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