Texecome Premier Elite App notification

29 Dec 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I had the android texecom connect app installed on my Samsung android mobile for the past 2 years and it never failed in sending me notifications when alarm set and disarmed etc. However annoyingly my phone was reset and I had to reinstall the app from my backup but my previous settings didn't transfer across.

I have set the app up again by using a new user code form the main panel, but can't get any notifications to my mobile. I have checked all the texecom settings in my mobile settings, ensured everything is on, the app is never put to sleep mode.

In the app itself I can see when the alarm is armed or disarmed. Under user settings receive alerts is on. I tried synch panel also. I then enabled email alerts and these come through but the notifications on my mobile don't??!

PS. I am using Connect V1 app and have not installed V2 from the Play Store as I heard from my installer it can cause problems with the comms module.

Any ideas please?
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firstly you should have things updated by your installer

lots of people have had issues with android and it not waking up after an update.
if you log in and out of app do you get a notification?

in the app, what are the system details.

Thought you couldnt reinstall V1 app
Notifications on Android devices

Samsung Devices

Battery Management:

  • Go to settings
  • Device care
  • Battery
  • App power management
  • App that won’t be put to sleep
  • Click on the plus at the top to add app, add Texecom Connect

Also, you can adjust the specific app setting as well:

  • Go to setting
  • Apps
  • Find Texecom (you can also hold down the app icon and click App info)
  • Under ‘Usage’ settings
  • Mobile data - Turn on Allow background data usage
  • Battery - Turn on Allow background activity
  • Under ‘App Settings’ settings
  • Notifications - Turn on all options (show notifications, critical, normal and app icon badges)
  • Under ‘Advanced’ settings
  • Appear on top - Turn on Allow permission
Thanks secureiam.

I did call my installer today and they went through some settings on the app and asked me to sync the panel.

I also called texecom technical support who were useless - just asked me to delete the app and reinstall. Then allow all notifications and it will work.

Yes I have V1 app, as I managed to reinstall from a saved back up rather than re-downloading from play store.

I've checked the settings you suggested and all were already set, other than the battery one which I've allowed unrestricted access now.

I can't find the appear on top setting but I've allowed all permissions to the app in its settings (by holding down app icon and app info).

I've attached some screenshots.

When I go into my app and log in I don't get any app notifications but I do get email notifications instantly. Same when logging out.
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  • Screenshot_20220309-185948_Texecom.jpg
    67.1 KB · Views: 147
  • Screenshot_20220309-190023_Texecom.jpg
    96 KB · Views: 148
  • SmartSelect_20220309-190255_Nine.jpg
    176.8 KB · Views: 186
without taking a deeper look not sure we will get to the bottom of what is going on.

we would need engineers code/ udl passcode and and and app code and you probably dont have access to eng code or udl
without taking a deeper look not sure we will get to the bottom of what is going on.

we would need engineers code/ udl passcode and and and app code and you probably dont have access to eng code or udl

I do have the engineers code, I used this to generate the app code to reinstall the app. Not sure what a udl passcode is though?

Happy to pay a reasonable fee to get it working again.

Shall I try deleting the app and all its settings and reinstalling a fresh install from the internet? I believe I can download one not from the playstore so v1 again?
resolved, it appears to be V1 was no longer working for the notifications, after installing V2 the notifications appear to be working.

It was noted that on V1 logging in and out of app or setting system didn't appear to generate a notification, normally would have expected an app notification from those processes as phone was active, indicating issue not with phone sleep/ battery saving modes.

Will see if the V2 app works when phone has been in sleep mode for an 1hr or so.
Its been 24hrs and app is working flawlessly - have received multiple notifications when arming and disarming the alarm. Many thanks to Secure I Am to get to the bottom of the problem (y)

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