The Brexit Bill...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Is up for debate this week.

A bit of a dog's dinner, but it is being pushed by the government as the 'will of the people'.

However I wonder how many know of these particular amendments (that will probably be defeated) that expose the real purpose of this bill?

"Amendment 4 - enhanced scrutiny.

Prevents EU law on areas such as work, health and safety, and environmental standards being modified by secondary legislation without the approval of parliament.

Amendments 10, 43 and 45 - Henry VIII powers

Limits the scope of ministers to amend retained EU law under secondary legislation, also known as Henry VIII powers, by changing the wording so it can only happen if “necessary” rather than just if a minister deems it “appropriate”.

Amendment 52 - ability to challenge retained EU law
Removes a section of the bill letting ministers use directives to decide who is able to challenge the validity of retained EU law post-Brexit."

This bill is nothing less than an enabling act, designed to bypass the very parliamentary 'democracy' that brexiteers wanted to apparently get back to!
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Dominoes anyone?
Wow. Super Tuesday just turned into messy Tuesday. You might never have heard of him, but Phillip Lee, a minister, has just resigned from his job in government in public over what he described as the government's "detrimental" Brexit policy.

He said that sometimes government had to act to protect citizens from the decisions of the majority, outlining why he felt the government's chosen course on Brexit would be bad for the country and bad for his constituents.

It has been clear for a while that the now ex-minister, one of the rising generation in the Tory party, has been frustrated for some time.

But what's not clear is whether his decision is solely the result of one politician's frustrations, or the start of something bigger.
What Cameron set in motion was far more dangerous and destructive to the UK than Blair lies leading to war.

Brexit needs to be stopped. 2 years in and still no clarification which shows just how intractable the situation is.
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What Cameron set in motion was far more dangerous and destructive to the UK than Blair lies leading to war.

Brexit needs to be stopped. 2 years in and still no clarification which shows just how intractable the situation is.

I agree

It seems that a very weak prime minister is making no decisions and anyway her hand it tied in all directions. The job is currently a poisoned chalice, even though TM isnt doing well, nobody else wants to take it on.

Labour has also been sitting on the fence, so there isnt much direction from there either.

Where do we go from here?

Should labour come out as remain? and try and force an election?
the anti-EU mass media is certainly terrified.

Their front pages are full of rage and fear.
I agree

It seems that a very weak prime minister is making no decisions and anyway her hand it tied in all directions. The job is currently a poisoned chalice, even though TM isnt doing well, nobody else wants to take it on.

Labour has also been sitting on the fence, so there isnt much direction from there either.

Where do we go from here?

Should labour come out as remain? and try and force an election?

We are playing politics as the UK burns. Labour have been spineless sitting on the fence - I understand their tactics - just sit and wait and let the Tory party implode but that would mean they have put politics ahead of whats best for the country just like Cameron.

Corbyn for all his leftist leanings its clear he hates the EU - he was a feeble remain campaigner before and still is now.

I have no problem if we wanted to leave the EU and a full assessment was made prior to deciding to leave. We shot ourselves in the foot when we decided to leave and then had to negotiate back from that point.

The only sane, economic and viable solution is to cancel Brexit.
This doesn't mean the Remainers should jump in joy if brexit is cancelled but they should be honest enough to accept that leavers had some real and legitimate concerns that need to be addressed. It shouldn't be carry on as normal but a wake up call that we need to address certain issues regarding immigration, income inequality, austerity etc
Interesting that

"The House of Lords cannot be allowed to "undermine" the UK's exit from the EU, Brexit Secretary David Davis has told MPs."

bearing in mind that the lords have said that Parliament, i.e. the House of Commons, should have the right to vote on the country's laws, and that right should not be taken away, empowering ministers to rule by issuing governmental commands.

Who can remember the assertion that "taking back control" means the supremacy of Parliament? Not David Davis, obviously. Not Theresa.

Nor the Express, or the Sun.
I have no problem if we wanted to leave the EU and a full assessment was made prior to deciding to leave. We shot ourselves in the foot when we decided to leave and then had to negotiate back from that point.

Could/should the assessment already be done and written in case a country wants leave? Like a set procedure?
The only sane, economic and viable solution is to cancel Brexit.

I wonder is anybody has the political will push that forward.

The binary choice of the referendum is so divisive, it seems nobody can agree, the public or those in power.

It seems to have crippled government. The fact its full of numpties doesnt help!
Could/should the assessment already be done and written in case a country wants leave? Like a set procedure?

Unfortunately we are a test case. It was never written because it was assumed that no one would consider leaving. An honest assessment of the impact cannot be done in two years as its a massive undertaking. It could possibly take a decade or longer. The Free Trade agreement with Japan and Australia took 7 years and is not as comprehensive as our relationship with the EU and that was between two countries with similar aims.

So we should cancel Brexit as it is now but continue the discussions. When you agree a Free Trade Agreement you spend years negotiating and then you can finally decide if you want to accept it - which is exactly how it should be - the ability to walk away.
I am a Remainer and the main driver for me was that you cannot negotiate these deals in a few years - its impossible. I don't begrudge leavers levels of frustrations with their lot -its not great when the benefits of immigration has passed onto the rich and the costs shared amongst the rest.
however a great deal of time could have been saved if either our government, or the Quitters, had decided which of the four possible options they were going for, and then got on with it.

Grumbling about not getting something that has never been an option is just wasting time.

Sadly our government remains unable to make up its mind what it wants. It is therefore incapable of coming to an agreement with the other party.
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