The French are revolting.

The Sunday Telegraph has tried to frame the protests as a “net-zero revolt” with several other media outlets saying the farmers have been rallying against climate or “green” rules. The findings show that many of the issues farmers are raising are directly and indirectly related to these issues. But some are not related at all. Several are based on policy measures that have not yet taken effect, such as the EU’s nature restoration law and a South American trade agreement.


However, The Telegraph today reports 'Ursula von der Leyen offers further concession by dropping her controversial proposal to halve pesticide use within six years...'

One step forward, two steps back and a side shuffle away from doing the right thing to implement further measures to safeguard our water supply and food quality. Although Labour have promised to keep their £28bn pledge for a 'Green Agenda', i expect more of the same from them.
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And they are at it again. No, wait it's the Brits,

"Jeff Gibson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that widespread anger felt by UK farmers meant it could "very easily escalate". He said trade deals agreed since Brexit had created an "utterly soul-destroying" situation."

And they are at it again. No, wait it's the Brits,
So this 'suffering' our farmers went through because of Brexit has made them no worse off than all those farmers still in the EU except we ain’t paying for the privilege.
So this 'suffering' our farmers went through because of Brexit has made them no worse off than all those farmers still in the EU except we ain’t paying for the privilege.
No, it is in relation to the trade deals since Brexit, totally different.

"He said trade deals agreed since Brexit had created an "utterly soul-destroying" situation."
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No, it is in relation to the trade deals since Brexit, totally different.

"He said trade deals agreed since Brexit had created an "utterly soul-destroying" situation."
Of course it is. :rolleyes: That’s why the French, the Germans, the Dutch, the Polish and many other farmers in the EU are as happy as pigs in shìt. No wait, they’re not.
"Mr Gibson, from Yew Tree Farm in Wingham, Kent, said: "It seems harder to export goods out of the UK but importing goods in does not seem to have changed."

I thought things were better, or at least were no worse. Mr Gibson, of Yew Tree Farm, must be mistaken.
Nobody cares though
Many do care...

Not mottie of course because he doesn't care about the carnage he voted for...

And he will also claim that there isn't a single empty supermarket shelf anywhere in the UK ;)
And he will also claim that there isn't a single empty supermarket shelf anywhere in the UK ;)
I’ve never made that claim. Notch, on the other hand, has claimed there isn’t a single full supermarket shelf anywhere in the U.K.
Farmers say there will be further French-style blockades following a slow tractor protest at Dover against low supermarket prices and cheap food imports from post-Brexit trade deals.


The Grudiana
low supermarket prices and cheap food imports from post-Brexit trade deals.
Do you think they'll get support from all those remainers that wanted high supermarket prices and expensive post-Brexit trade deals?
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