Brethren, we must go amongst them.
On a rare excursion from the hidden forum (and I'm off back there straight away) I'd just say if parents did their best to be the best parents they could be and not rely on the state to bring the children up.
If they taught the children not to leave half finished work or stop at 'that'll do', in ten years time we might see some improvement.
If customers used their brains to ask the workman before he entered the house where he worked last week and for the phone number of past clients and actually followed up on it instead of feeling rude and embarrassed for actually taking responsibility for their own situation.
Overcharged; don't pay; simple. Worried about the work? tell the guy before he starts he'll have to wait a week for his money because you need to be sure what he's done is correct and has worked.
If people actually had some pride in themselves, what they do and what they've done instead of whining on a forum about how they were ripped off. If they realised what a tube they're showing themselves to be by asking somebody else (the government, the local authority, the papers, a forum) anyone other than actually sorting their problems themselves it'd be a start.
Acknowledgements and apologies to the Coen Brothers - to be read in a Texan accent:
The world is full of complainers, fact is nothing comes with a guarantee.
And I don't care if you're President of the United States, Pope of Rome or Man of the Year, something can always go wrong.
Go ahead you know, complain, take your problem to your neighbour, ask for help, watch him fly.
Now in Russia they got it mapped out where everyone pulls for everybody else, well that's the theory anyway, but what I know about is Texas, and here, you're on your own.
Works everywhere, even the United Kingdom, France and Glasgow. Use your brain!