They think we're stupid.

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Gone are the days when TV companies ripped us all off with their phone- in quiz rackets,, and now they are all up front and honest about the charges from landlines, mobiles etc. They appear now to have a new way to extract viewers money,,,, they insult our intelligence with phone in competitions. Take one competition question today.
" From the classic children's novel,, what type of animal is Black Beauty?

Is it,
a: A sheep.
b: A horse.
c: A lion.

Calls cost £1 from most landlines, but calls from mobiles will cost you considerably more. :rolleyes:

These are from daytime, mostly ITV programmes. You don't get questions like that even at primary school.... There's many more stupid, so obvious competition questions all day,, every day,,,, It's all about yer money.

If they really want to make money they should make the questions easier, that way more people will phone up because thet think they know the answer.
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