They think we're stupid.

2 Aug 2007
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United Kingdom
Gone are the days when TV companies ripped us all off with their phone- in quiz rackets,, and now they are all up front and honest about the charges from landlines, mobiles etc. They appear now to have a new way to extract viewers money,,,, they insult our intelligence with phone in competitions. Take one competition question today.
" From the classic children's novel,, what type of animal is Black Beauty?

Is it,
a: A sheep.
b: A horse.
c: A lion.

Calls cost £1 from most landlines, but calls from mobiles will cost you considerably more. :rolleyes:

These are from daytime, mostly ITV programmes. You don't get questions like that even at primary school.... There's many more stupid, so obvious competition questions all day,, every day,,,, It's all about yer money.

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What makes me laugh about daytime telly (customers have it on before you all start!), is that in the course of about an hour, you can;

Borrow ££££££££££££s

Get out of debt

Claim £££££££ for any accident

Sell all your scrap gold (wtf has scrap gold anyway)

Lose weight

Get a driving instructor job paying ££££££££££s
I have never heard of black beauty :oops:

black beauty'

Gone are the days when TV companies ripped us all off with their phone- in quiz rackets,, and now they are all up front and honest about the charges from landlines, mobiles etc. They appear now to have a new way to extract viewers money,,,, they insult our intelligence with phone in competitions. Take one competition question today.
" From the classic children's novel,, what type of animal is Black Beauty?

Is it,
a: A sheep.
b: A horse.
c: A lion.

Calls cost £1 from most landlines, but calls from mobiles will cost you considerably more. :rolleyes:

These are from daytime, mostly ITV programmes. You don't get questions like that even at primary school.... There's many more stupid, so obvious competition questions all day,, every day,,,, It's all about yer money.


What frightens me is that when working in some peoples homes I have seen them get excited because they knew the answer :eek:

On the odd occasion I have heard them answer these pathetically easy questions wrongly :eek:

And they walk among us... :eek:
They make it so easy so they get enough money from the phone calls to cover the cost of the prize. If nobody knew the answer, only a few would phone in. Simple economics. Nobody ever said you had to be clever to enter competitions. But to watch ITV daytime TV, you have to be very, very, unintelligent.

This is why I dont watch ITV daytime incl This Morning, GM.TV, and anything else with women and token men chattering about menopause and periods and middle-aged womens fashion, where the weather is sponsored by some energy company and the national news is sponsored by somone and the local news by someone else (the sponsorship ads are longer than the news/weather in some cases, seriously), and every other screen flicker is an advert. I detest it. (My mum watches it in the kitchen)

BBC for morning TV and news all the way.
No competitions, no TV unless it is educational such as Discovery or History channel etc.

Everything else is just dross.
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