ThisIsAbout@df _ert$

when a quid coin would be so much simpler
But then you have to carry a quid coin and your phone!

And you're touching something thousands of other people have touched, and then maybe it's damaged and won't be accepted by the machine, and you're standing around waiting for change, which then gets dropped and rolls under the machine ..

I can totally see why having this personal payment device that you get out your pocket (if it's not in hand already), that you wave near a reader and 2 seconds later you're walking out with your stuff is massively appealing to a huge cross section of the population (especially since covid will have generally heightened germ anxiety)
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A certain holiday ad' grinds my gears: you know the one, where the wife keeps dragging her bloke away to see the sea or a colourful shell or some such nonsense. I imagine the poor sod hasn't been able to finish his beer for the whole time they're there. He's still trying to brush his teeth of a morning while she's dragging him off on another mad berry picking expedition. Leave him to finish his beer, woman, ffs!!
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I'm not sure it would be, really. Not many folk carry shrapnel these days. The quid coin has to originate from somewhere.

True, but having your life on and making all your transactions with a mobile device isn't without effort, risk and potential pitfalls. Cash: use it, or lose it (possibly down the back of the settee)!
True, but having your life on and making all your transactions with a mobile device extraordinarily convenient. I'm not a big fan though, due to ham fists.
I prefer a big monitor and a keyboard, especially if I'm doing a large transaction or an important email.
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