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Instead of asking what gender one was assigned at birth, why not call it biological gender?

What makes you think that "gender" is assigned at birth?

Do you know what "sex" is?
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Just to add a further comment on this: if you whip up a public debate about an emotive issue, you're likely to get some offensive comments on social media.
I'm not conding that, nor excusing it. But it will happen. And sufferers are right to complain about it.
Complain, yes?
Cancel, no.

An arts venue in Edinburgh has cancelled an event featuring the gender-critical scriptwriter Graham Linehan after complaints from customers.

Leith Arches, which often hosts queer and drag events, wrote on Instagram that it had cancelled a comedy listing where Linehan was due to appear on Thursday evening.

Linehan, who devised and wrote the hit Channel 4 comedy Father Ted, has taken a strongly gender-critical stance on social media. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Linehan said neither he nor Comedy Unleashed, the production company that had booked the venue for the event, had received an explanation for the cancellation.

“There is no explanation as to what views the Leith Arches find offensive,” he said. “[Could] I have some details? Because it sure sounds like discrimination on the grounds of my legally protected beliefs.”

Biological gender. Born not ‘assigned’ male or female. Nature has already decided for us. It used to be a straightforward tick box question . M or F
Of Mice and Men is a classic American novel that used to be required reading. Now it is no longer tolerable to publish that kind of book with overt racial slurs in the text. The modern generation is trying to redress the balance and initiate a more tolerant society.
Many people won't vote for Eddie Izzard because of who he is, not based on his political views or what he is saying.
Are you comfortable with your prejudice?
Of Mice and Men is a classic American novel that used to be required reading. Now it is no longer tolerable to publish that kind of book with overt racial slurs in the text. The modern generation is trying to redress the balance and initiate a more tolerant society.
Many people won't vote for Eddie Izzard because of who he is, not based on his political views or what he is saying.
Are you comfortable with your prejudice?
……and I agree with you. It’s how it should be. However, you think I am intolerant for giving my opinion on what is ‘gender’. It does not mean that I am prejudiced. I take people as they are, regardless of creed, colour, religion or sexual orientation, so please don’t presume.
Do stonewall advocates put pressure on susceptible children to wear chest binders and take drugs?
Act 2
(Jack enters stage right pursued be his wicked step-mother berating him)
Wicked step-mother: "You stupid useless boy, selling that silly cow for a bag of beans. I could have sold her as a thoroughbred racehorse."
(she picks up a french baquette from the table and tries to beat him abput the head with it) NB to prop mistress. Stage baquettes can be made from plumbers foam pipe lagging wrapped in brown paper.
(Jack exits stage left pursued by his wicked step-mother.) NB to stge director, If facilities allow, Jack could enter stage right and the chase continue for several circuits. Otherwise they can criss-cross the stage, enetring and exiting stage at appropriate points.
(on the final circuit the wicked step-mother exchanges the stage baquette for a real one, and finallay manages to hit Jack with it, the baquette exploding into several pieces and showering breadcrumbs all over the stage.) NB to prop mistress, the effect is better with stale baquettes partially precut in several places.
(Jack exits stage left nursing bruises)
Wicked step-mother: (bellows to Cinderella off-stage) "Cinderella, get here this instance you lazy slave girl, and clean up this mess."
(Cinderella enters stage right carrying child's bucket and spade)

Act 3

Yet to be written, depending on gant's vivid imagination and his access to magic mushrooms and dream inducing elixer left over from last years production of Sleeping Beauty.
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I think Human Rights Watch are campaigning for it to be removed from the list of Mental Disorders.
They recognise that the condition is an all-encompassing label applied to the stress casued by the conflict experienced between personal feelings and societal pressure.
Act 2
(Jack enters stage right pursued be his wicked step-mother berating him)
Wicked step-mother: You stupid usless boy, selling that silly cow foe a bag of benas. I could have sold her as a thoroughbred racehorse.
(she picks up a french baquette from the table and tries to beat him abput the head with it) NB to prop mistress. Stage baquettes can be made from plumbers foam pipe lagging wrapped in brown paper.
(Jack exits stage left pursued by his wicked step-mother.) NB to stge director, If racilities allow, JAck could enter stage right and the chase to continue for several circuits. Otherwise they can criss-cross the stage, enetring and exiting stage at appropriate points.
(on the final circuit the wicked step-mother exchanges the stage baquette for a real one, and finallay manages to hit Jack with it, the baquette exploding into several pieces and showering breadcrumbs all over the stage.) NB to prop mistress, the effect is better with stale baquettes partially precut in several places.
(Jack exits stage left nursing bruises)
(Wicked step-mother bellows to Cinderella off-stage) Cinderella, get here this instance you lazy slave girl, and clean up this mess.
(Cinderella enters stage right carrying child's bucket and spade)

Act 3

Yet to be written, depending on gant's vviivid imagination and his access to magic mushrooms and dream inducing elixer left over from last years production of Sleeping Bueaty.
Is that another way of saying it's an uncomfortable truth?
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