UK Policy of tackling covid through herd immunity

You've had it - essentially avoid social contact - no pubs, gathering of any sort and etc and especially with the elderly. It doesn't matter if you think you have it or don't have it. We are all on voluntary lock down.Work from home if at all possible.
dont agree, I dont think we have had clear advice.

my niece was told by the hospital she works at that so long as she had no symptoms she was fine to carry on working despite having a partner with symptoms and is pretty ill

advice to hospitals is not consistent
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dont agree, I dont think we have had clear advice.

my niece was told by the hospital she works at that so long as she had no symptoms she was fine to carry on working despite having a partner with symptoms and is pretty ill

advice to hospitals is not consistent

For some reason UK govt does not want to follow WHO advice

Test, test, test.

If you don't test, you are just guessing who's got it and who hasn't. And making policy decisions in ignorance. You don't know how many people have been infected and how many have recovered.

You are telling people to hide at home for two weeks when they are not infected.

And you are telling people they can go to work when they are infected and spreading disease.

A number of NHS workers have contacted me to say they are concerned that - like the rest of the population - they are being sent home when they have a mild symptom like a cough rather than being tested for #Covid19. They say NHS manpower at risk of serious depletion fast

A doctor in an infectious diseases ward of a major UK hospital, who is treating patients with Covid-19, said: “I am terrified. I am seriously considering whether I can keep working as a doctor.”

There are unconfirmed reports of the first death of a doctor due to Corona. The Government is playing fast and loose with health staff and its quickly losing their trust.
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Boris is getting Covid done on the cheap.Problem is Bojo needs a warchest to pay for the cost of Brexit!

"Boris has just doomed an entire industry by telling people not to attend the theatre. By not enforcing a shutdown, production insurance will not apply so producers and shows will go bankrupt, and tens of thousands of people will be without pay."
Riot police in ireland are getting ready.
Thousands laid off work and no pay indefinitely.
And no money.
Thousands laid off work and no pay indefinitely.
And no money.
Hatejob said those taking benefits should have a bit put by for when their cheque is late. Imagine the huge stash working people will have accrued.
**** hitting fans all over.

Everything is closing here in Essex - all clubs (scouts, cricket, other sports etc.). People are staying home in masses.

My parents have announced they are going into 4 month isolation. Dad started talking about the war days - they did it then, they can do it again (living with limited food, no loo roll, cold water, and generally keeping your head down!). Does mean they cancelled mothers day - will have to drop some flowers and a snack off.

Somebody died of it just up the road today.

Pic of the commuter bus this morning - usually standing room only.

There is some misinfo posted - they have said they will support small businesses but so far no mechanism. That applies to people too. So far it's just cobra jaw jaw - talk. They have also stated what need to be done on isolation. Jaw jaw is always easier than action.

I know of an elder person day centre that is going to have to shut. They pick people up who have trouble getting out themselves and give them a day out. Law says that they can tell the few that work there to take 4 weeks unpaid holiday. Any longer than that they have to make them redundant. It's a charity part funded by the local council. It hasn't got much money. Keeping as much as possible means making people redundant and they will want them back if and when things settle down. They would have to write longer than 4 weeks into the peoples contracts to extend a lay off. Sounds like Virgin must have written more into theirs.

What ever they do about this aspect will really take some sorting out and may even need emergency law changes. This sort of thing probably explains jaw jaw and no way of obtaining what it suggests. It's complicated. Not that I see this as an excuse as there are a number of things they should have got on with. Much of the jaw jaw can't have been about actually sorting this and other areas out. I bet they forget things like this day centre.

:confused: London seems to be the main reason for a voluntary lock down. Obviously people can't get on crowded tubes or trains to get to work so must walk 2m apart, use the car or a push or motor cycle spaced from each other appropriately. It's pretty obvious that if people do carry on working there things can only get worse. If more people did use a car, rather a lot do already it would probably take so long to get there it wouldn't be worth them going. Best take a camp bed so they can sleep there overnight or better still a tent and escape from the place and infect some more of us.
Generally does with a pandemic. I think we'll all suffer in some way. I hope my suffering will be just financial. :(
It is a real worry, most of us have relatives in vulnerable groups, or are ouselves or partners.

I do hope everybody on this forum manages to avoid any family tragedies.
Fingers crossed.
It is a real worry, most of us have relatives in vulnerable groups, or are ouselves or partners.

I do hope everybody on this forum manages to avoid any family tragedies.
Fingers crossed.

We are beyond hope, the brutal facts are people will lose loved ones so be prepared, get your legal issues resolved, a will, estate planning etc.
We are beyond hope, the brutal facts are people will lose loved ones so be prepared, get your legal issues resolved, a will, estate planning etc.

I think the governments talk of keeping the curve below NHS demand is just wishful thinking.
In 14 days time NHS will have probably run out of ICU / ventilators and people will just die.....I dont know how much public service cuts will impact the death rate -at least some.

My MIL is 76, she is self isolating from today, but her husband is in hospital, whats really grim is she may not get to see him again.

Similar with my father who is 91. I cant self isolate because I need to be doing shopping etc, but I cant not visit my father and he has carers going in anyway, so whats the diff.
I think the governments talk of keeping the curve below NHS demand is just wishful thinking.
In 14 days time NHS will have probably run out of ICU / ventilators and people will just die.....I dont know how much public service cuts will impact the death rate -at least some.

There was some info on a visit to an Italian hospital on TV last night. Looked like many sufferers were just on oxygen. Surely that could be rolled out hoping to keep more out of hospital. The people there were dismayed by the number who were dying and on ventilators.
I think the governments talk of keeping the curve below NHS demand is just wishful thinking.
In 14 days time NHS will have probably run out of ICU / ventilators and people will just die.....I dont know how much public service cuts will impact the death rate -at least some.

My MIL is 76, she is self isolating from today, but her husband is in hospital, whats really grim is she may not get to see him again.

Similar with my father who is 91. I cant self isolate because I need to be doing shopping etc, but I cant not visit my father and he has carers going in anyway, so whats the diff.

NHS staff need equipment, you cant do an operation without a full respirator.

Who is willing to take the risk?

NHS,staff not being tested is shameful because its more likely you picking up the virus in the hospital as with so many staff being exposed to it its likely they have it and passing it onto patients.
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