Violent criminals and punishment..blah blah

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The solution
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Thank you liberals

Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency.

The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age.

This should make the liberals very proud
This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.
have you evidence to support this bit?

When you say
... a Government-sponsored agency.

The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, ...
are you suggesring that government money paid for the book?

Compare this to NCB which responds "The book is being funded from book sales alone – and not from government funding or from any grants, as has been reported."

Is it OK to let it go if children in school call each other "***" "*****" "***" or "****"

p.s. in RoW it isn't actually an effective insult to call someone a "Liberal." It's more of an insult to call someone an "Extremist"
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thanks for the link, I particularly liked the bit that says "The book is about being alert and asking questions, being sensitive and never attacking a child, but always trying to think about why they may have said or done something."
Not killing and violence.

And your solution is?............................................ :rolleyes:
Not killing and violence.

So, the solution is?..........................................
Not killing and violence.

Hang on..To be fair it was a tricky question..let me put it another way...

What would you consider the solution is then?..................................
So you believe the site owners to be biased in favour of (an abusive post) ?

Presumably you have some substance to support this?
Yes - the fact that they so often remove "abusive" posts (even when not at all abusive, but just happen to contain material that the thugs here would rather be allowed to ignore) on the grounds that this is a "family forum", but they leave a vast number of posts advocating killing and violence.

In their view you must not express disgust at those who want to kill and inflict violence, as that might damage or upset poor little children, but it's perfectly OK for the same little children to see adults advocating killing and violence.

You are a very troubled individual.
It is true that I am troubled by the presence here of killers and perverts like you.

Moderator 11 said:
Please note rule 1 (Abusive or unhelpful posts are not welcome.) - See here for more information.
this includes abuse of the site

an abusive post has been removed
This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.

This is abusive or unhelpful.
BAS even though i don't respond to back you up, (cos i ain't clever enough) I believe in your argument.

I understand other peoples points, but, you make more sense.
Thank you Trazor, coming from me they did not believe there was a link on how even three year olds are being brain washed.

I remember reading an article in the 1950's when the communists ( I hope I can say communists ) who stated "give us your children at age 1 and take them back at age 5 and they will be ours"

The liberal agenda had to start some place and actually liberals by nature are true extremists demanding a change but never giving any in put how or what direction they want to head other then surrendering their entire country just for the sake of being spoilers.

They have a miserable existence and want everyone to share their dismay in life.

In their case when they are murdered by the same low life's their bleeding hearts try to help one can only call it poetic justice as it in actuality is a mercy killing

have you evidence to support this bit?

Yes he has...........
Bas considering how you feel the moderators are after you and how your sooooooooooooooooooo persecuted have you considered moving to a more liberal country possibly one with your extremists views?

Maybe your to good for this list or any other for that matter as your so right and everyone else is wrong as they seem to pick on you for what you consider no valid reason typical extremist attitude.

Everyone is out of step but you.

"but they leave a vast number of posts advocating killing and violence"

I think the words were SELF defense or to protect the life of another not go out and start a shooting spree With your mentality (or lack of) I now fully understand why there is "gun control" in your area as it is not really a gun issue with you it is a a control thing.

When I was home on leave from the service a young punk started to call me "baby killer" I had just return from a Mediterranean cruise with NATO.

This punk said no excuse for violence so I smacked him and he fell down I said OH my I'm so sorry and reached out and helped him up. As soon as he was able to stand on his two feet I hit him again and down he went.

By the third time he decided to fight back and I said WELCOME to the cruel world of self defense.
sometimes one has to do what is necessary to protect life and property from invaders .

BAS there are cowards and those would would die fighting for their countries freedom I now know which one you are...
We all know which one BAS is ST don't worry about that. ;)

BAS Wrote:
It is true that I am troubled by the presence here of killers and perverts like you.
1. I have never killed anyone.
2. I have never committed an act of perversion (there was this one time with Mrs Megawatt and a squirrel but we don't talk about it now).

Now, as far as I'm aware, that means I am neither a killer nor a pervert ... Unless, in your troubled mind, you really do believe that someone who doesn't share your liberal views is a killer or a pervert and, if that is indeed the case, you need help ... Thoughts and views really AREN'T illegal you know :rolleyes:

Try sticking to facts rather than supposition without substance or venom and bile.
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