We have gone backwards

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Ok considering its friday and ive had a very successful week im not sure about the rest of the world.
Where did we go wrong?

I mean i sat down the other night and watched one of many documentaries about President Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis and his speech. Fck sake i've never actually listened to it before. What a moment, for just a moment it seemed we were learning, missiles being scrapped, testosterone wasn't making decisions, ego's were not threatened..

The last paragraph..

"Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right- -not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved. "

Fck sake that was many years ago, imagine just one of the big leaders coming up with something like that now. We've gone backwards..
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There is a leader fighting for peace and freedom... Trump.

Omg Andy dont get me started on him. I was only talking today about that Arnie classic The Running man, depicting a twisted society of the future, he(Trump) fits right in there doesn't he??

I mean fck sake some of his recent quotes have been legendary.. especially the claim to being immune to covid19 that whole scene of him exiting the presidential copter walking back with the cinematic soundtrack of some triumphant terminator of covid19 omg!!

Then going on to say he's 'immune to covid19 maybe i don't know' and saying how he 'felt 20 years younger'. What the fck is he smoking i want lots of it right now as it's epic stuff.
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its not even worth talking about trumph he is a wasted cause much better to spend your efforts helping in your local area and leaving him to self-destruct
no one can ever make any difference it needs the masses to realize??
so dont waste any time just think local freinds and family and along your road and local area then help where you can(y)
You really are a strange person.
The problem is that particularly in the US and the UK there is a frighteningly large number of such people...

The rest of the developed world have their problems of course, but in the two nations mentioned there appears to have been a far greater gradual dumbing down of the electorate...

Which a few are able to exploit with the age old tactic of divide and rule (n)
The problem is that particularly in the US and the UK there is a frighteningly large number of such people...

The rest of the developed world have their problems of course, but in the two nations mentioned there appears to have been a far greater gradual dumbing down of the electorate...

Which a few are able to exploit with the age old tactic of divide and rule (n)

Says mouse with her devisive divided opinions.(y)
I don't think Trump himself is sure what his aims are.
Ok considering its friday and ive had a very successful week im not sure about the rest of the world.
Where did we go wrong?

I mean i sat down the other night and watched one of many documentaries about President Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis and his speech. Fck sake i've never actually listened to it before. What a moment, for just a moment it seemed we were learning, missiles being scrapped, testosterone wasn't making decisions, ego's were not threatened..

The last paragraph..

"Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of right- -not peace at the expense of freedom, but both peace and freedom, here in this hemisphere, and, we hope, around the world. God willing, that goal will be achieved. "

Fck sake that was many years ago, imagine just one of the big leaders coming up with something like that now. We've gone backwards..

Kennedy's speech was admirable but when he made that speech the world population was 3.3 billion. Today its 7.8 billion and rising.
More than doubled in just 60 years.
There has never been a greater demand on world resources.
And many wars will ensue in order to claim them.
There is a leader fighting for peace and freedom... Trump.

Yep. Great President.

Unlike warmonger Obama's who ordered america's military forces to remain at war for all eight years of his tenure.
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