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I bought a table off Wayfair and now I’m hoping it’s not cheap tatt.

Can't view what they sell unless you submit your email address first. Don't trust sites like that. Pintrest, or whatever it's called, is another one I won't use.
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Can't view what they sell unless you submit your email address first. Don't trust sites like that. Pintrest, or whatever it's called, is another one I won't use.

You can, I only entered my e-Mail later to get £15 off
I bought an A3 for Mrs Mottie off of her sister.

Broke the golden rule there. Never buy a car off friends or family.
Why? We know the history of it did ask them a few years ago for first refusal if they ever sold it as it’s a nice looking motor - practically in mint condition. They paid top money for it and bought it from a main dealer. They have done just over 5,000 miles in the two and a bit years they’ve owned it. They’ve always had it main dealer serviced and said we could have it for the WBAC valuation if we were interested. A nice car for a fair price. (y)
Why? We know the history of it did ask them a few years ago for first refusal if they ever sold it as it’s a nice looking motor - practically in mint condition. They paid top money for it and bought it from a main dealer. They have done just over 5,000 miles in the two and a bit years they’ve owned it. They’ve always had it main dealer serviced and said we could have it for the WBAC valuation if we were interested. A nice car for a fair price. (y)

'coz it's sods law the engine will fall out next week.
Looking to buy a metal detector for manholes, have you got one Ian?


No, and my CAT is ****e for manhole lids on radio mode. I’m that good with the jetter I always manage to unblock then just probe the camera head while it’s sat in a manhole.

Anyway, they shat on me last week, my RD2000 was up for calibration and they swapped it out for one of those crap black ones :mad:
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