who's been screwing with the forum?

Is it a fair point to make that although I know advertising funds the forum, the ads which google puts there are normally American which are of no use to a majority of forum members. I notice the endless pool one is British, do the admin actively seek out new advertisements like this? Also if there were something which when we pointed DIYers out of the forum DIYnot got a small fee? I can think of one firm which I can envisage will have earned a lot of money through being highlighted a lot in the electrics forum, there are probably a few in the various forums.
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The adverts don't work in the slightest, apparently. That's what the bloke who's fitting my new swimming pool said anyway.
keyplayer said:
The adverts don't work in the slightest, apparently. That's what the bloke who's fitting my new swimming pool said anyway.

thats what they told me aswell :LOL:
them tin ceilings are great, i liked them so much i had them fit two.

one on the ceiling and one on the floor.

broom handle and coat hanger on back of electric wheel chair (another one to the floor)
+ve wire to ceiling, -ve wire to floor, hey presto , instant dogems
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I suggest any rule breaking post text be replaced with an advert .. but let the posters username remain at the head...
The controversial / flaming posts will attract the oglers .. Just when it is about to become juicey they get an advert or more.
:D :D :D
The advertising on the right does make it easier to read the forum instead of using the scroll bar on the bottom to read right to the end as in page 1 of this topic.
I think that the endless pool is a great idea. I have written to the headteacher of the local school suggesting that she buys one, as this will mean that the pupils can have swimming lessons on site instead of having to be bussed to the local council pool.
As it has "All the benefits of a full-sized pool." it should be able to accomocate 40 kids with ease, non-swimmers having lessons in the shallow end and older children doing widths at the deep end. Add a diving board and a couple of lifeguards and it could generate funds by being opened to the public at weekends! Genius or what?
ninebob said:
I think the more appropriate question would be the usefullness of the adverts anyway.

Has anyone here, at any point, ever, even clicked on one of the adverts, let alone go on to purchase anything through them?

Thought not.

Yeah I did once for car insurance, and got a better deal. Then felt guilty about propagating pop-ups.
notb665 said:
Yeah I did once for car insurance, and got a better deal. Then felt guilty about propagating pop-ups.

Shame on you!

Incidentally, I was told a good way to get the cheapest car insurance (not tried it myself as not driving at the mo, but it sounds entirely plausible):

1. Go to www.confused.com, bung in your details, and let their robots obtain all the quotes for you from the different insurers.

2. When the list of prices comes up, select the cheapest but DON'T purchase through their on-line link, just note the company.

3. TELEPHONE said company and give all your details as for a new quote. When they ask what the cheapest quote you've had was, tell them (but don't tell them they're about to undercut themselves! - just say it was an internet price)

4. All being well they'll try to beat the price if they can - take them up on their offer!
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