Why do we need negotiators?

"But to understand how this seems to the Irish government and to most people on the island, imagine you are in a decent job. It is reasonably paid, apparently secure and the working environment is quite amicable. Your neighbour, who you like but do not quite trust (there’s a bit of history there) comes to you with a proposition. She’s establishing an extremely risky start-up venture with a high probability of catastrophic failure. Will you join her? Well, you ask, what are the possible rewards? Ah, she says, if – against the odds – everything goes splendidly, you’ll get the same pay and conditions you have now."

"...As with the whole Brexit project, the proposals for Ireland are credible only if you accept two mutually incompatible propositions: a) The UK is creating the biggest political and economic revolution since 1973; b) pretty much everything will stay the same"

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It typifies just how painfully naive and gormless the Quitters actually are. Cheering and booing at the same time as various bits of the papers are read out.

All you need do is look at Rogercon and Transam and see what sort of people are gleefully cheering this country into the abyss. You could not make it up.

says noseall the remoaner and anti democrat ;)

His world is slowly un-ravelling :cry::cry: but he gleefully cheers for the Brexit talks to fail :)

pretty much sums him up , a mongolian goat herder has more intelligence :LOL: then noseall ( & way har bee :))
Once we become an economic basket case the foreign slackers won't touch the UK with a barge pole.

"...As with the whole Brexit project, the proposals for Ireland are credible only if you accept two mutually incompatible propositions: a) The UK is creating the biggest political and economic revolution since 1973; b) pretty much everything will stay the same"

Brexit is turning into a paradox. Quitters don't want a paradox and Remoaners don't want Brexit.

Sever all ties with Europe, close all borders (RoI included), give the EU nuffink, chuck all foreign nationals out and start trade negotiations with anyone that is interested*.

*Kim Jong UN is ready and waiting.
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says noseall the remoaner and anti democrat ;)

His world is slowly un-ravelling :cry::cry: but he gleefully cheers for the Brexit talks to fail :)

pretty much sums him up , a mongolian goat herder has more intelligence :LOL: then noseall ( & way har bee :))

How democratic is it when our elected politicians do not use all the powers that they have so they can take away more freedoms from you?

Post Brexit you will have less freedom and your politicians will be less accountable and democratic - the great repeal bill gives them over reaching powers.

We can control our borders but our politicians decided not to - so explain that.
so explain that

Few politicians speak out against foreign bred slackers entering the UK for fear of being labelled racist.
A few do speak out. And then they are hounded from their jobs by two faced libertards.
foreign bred slackers
are these the ones who work themselves like packhorses, on minimum wage, doing the **** jobs that Brits look down their noses at?

slackers my asre.


you filthy facists should be ashamed of yourselves.

Who do you think will change your bedding and wipe your arse when your dementia gets worse?


How democratic is it when our elected politicians do not use all the powers that they have so they can take away more freedoms from you?

Post Brexit you will have less freedom and your politicians will be less accountable and democratic - the great repeal bill gives them over reaching powers.

We can control our borders but our politicians decided not to - so explain that.

Your Op

The brexit vote was the most democratic vote the UK has had . The majority of elected politicians were remainers

We cannot control our borders. The EU is slowly waking up to this other EU countries will begin to take more and more drastic measures to do so.

Incidentally Canada has made much of there open door policy to migrants/refugees . Canadian citazens are sponsoring them. Lets see what happens when there is (and there will be ) a terrorist attack in Canada ;)
are these the ones who work themselves like packhorses, on minimum wage, doing the **** jobs that Brits look down their noses at?

slackers my asre.


you filthy facists should be ashamed of yourselves.

Who do you think will change your bedding and wipe your arse when your dementia gets worse?



then they are not slackers are they ???????
We cannot control our borders. The EU is slowly waking up to this other EU countries will begin to take more and more drastic measures to do so.
Christ, you'd have thought the EU would have woke up to their open borders policy some years ago. Now Spain is paying a heavy price for EU policy. Remoaners, ask yourselves this,, Why have there been no terrorist attacks in Eastern Europe?
yep terrorist attacks in Spain & Finland.

All the great & the good from all over Europe have made rousing speeches (again)

we will not give in to terrorism

We value our freedom

we will bring the perps to justice

They will not win

Bla Bla bla

The only person that actually attempted to do any thing different (right or wrong) was Trump . A 6 week travel ban from certain countries. Which upset every one.
have there been no terrorist attacks in Eastern Europe?

don't you know? Where do you get your news from?




you're welcome.
yep terrorist attacks in Spain & Finland.

All the great & the good from all over Europe have made rousing speeches (again)

we will not give in to terrorism

We value our freedom

we will bring the perps to justice

They will not win

Bla Bla bla

The only person that actually attempted to do any thing different (right or wrong) was Trump . A 6 week travel ban from certain countries. Which upset every one.
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