worst movie stars

11 Dec 2006
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United Kingdom
ok weve had the best ones who are the ones that keep turning up and are rubbish. overacting their way to the bank??

hugh grant springs to mind, also after watching xxx2 last night ice cube too
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All the luvvies are rubbish IM, Branagh, Thompson and Hugh Grant.
Richard E Grant is good though, not just cos of Withnail, he slagged off Jilly Goulden on room 101, good lad.

Sean Connery, may be the greatest Bond, but in all his films he's just playing Sean Connery. He's done some good films though. I also seem to be the only person who liked the Untouchables.
I think that bloke Ricky Gervais out of the office is overated seems to be appearing in a lot of recent films.
Paris Hilton: Not really in the film star category...........(Although I believe shes been in a couple of shorts!!) a complete wate of space .........in most ways!!

And totally convinced of her own importance!
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All the luvvies are rubbish IM, Branagh, Thompson and Hugh Grant.
Richard E Grant is good though, not just cos of Withnail, he slagged off Jilly Goulden on room 101, good lad.

Sean Connery, may be the greatest Bond, but in all his films he's just playing Sean Connery. He's done some good films though. I also seem to be the only person who liked the Untouchables.

i liked the untouchables too i thought most did :eek:
I think that bloke Ricky Gervais out of the office is overated seems to be appearing in a lot of recent films.

I like Gervais, comic genius. I reckon his film work is done on the back of that though, friends in high places. Anyway, what films has he done other than the museum one?
I think that bloke Ricky Gervais out of the office is overated seems to be appearing in a lot of recent films.

I like Gervais, comic genius. I reckon his film work is done on the back of that though, friends in high places. Anyway, what films has he done other than the museum one?
that new one Stardust
Roger Moore and George Lazenby I think they were in the Wooden tops............... :LOL:
Steven Segal is the most wooden i've seen, that film "Under Seige"is so funny, its usually on at least once a month, got to watch it to see the girl from Baywatch jump out of the cake without her kit on........ :eek:
Michael Caine - only got the one character - he never improved on the Italian Job.

Also, going back to Mr Bond, reckon Daniel Craig did a crcking good job in Casino Royale, he gets my vote as best Bond.
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