What would you throw in a wheelie bin?

'I don't know what the fuss is about. It's just a cat.'

Fascinating - seriously :!: In that I wonder why a person suddenly has a temporary abberation like that in possibly a stressfull time . My bigoted side says Spinster who looks 10 years older than her quoted age - must be that along the lines of SU BO. :idea: But I am intrigued by the reason and the public reactions - I should`ve been a Shrink, Not under one :LOL:
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Now this wonderful public spirited woman is in danger of loosing her job. Just how ridiculous can things get in this country, Far from losing her job, she desrves a medal as big as a frying pan in my book.
Now I hope the weirdo Cat Owner is satisfied with what he has achieved.
Now I hope the weirdo Cat Owner is satisfied with what he has achieved.
It's nothing to do with cats, if she can do this with any animals then she's sick women need help. If she can do this what else can she do?

I will say it time and time again what rights does anybody think the animals got no rights to live a normal life? We are all equal on this planet
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the bloody dog next door , yap yap yap yap yap ,early in the morning and late at night...................... :evil:
i fully believe that TV is to blame.. shows like rude tube, animals do the funniest things, you've been framed etc, all show stuff where animals get into and out of boxes etc so she thought that it would just climb back out..
at least that's what she said..
'I don't know what the fuss is about. It's just a cat.'

Fascinating - seriously :!: In that I wonder why a person suddenly has a temporary abberation like that in possibly a stressfull time . My bigoted side says Spinster who looks 10 years older than her quoted age - must be that along the lines of SU BO. :idea: But I am intrigued by the reason and the public reactions - I should`ve been a Shrink, Not under one :LOL:

Just to clear things up, I did not say that, I was paraphrasing the original headline. :LOL:
Celia Bale, 78, said: 'She's my daughter and as far as I'm concerned she is the most caring person you could ever wish to meet.

Unless that is, your name is Tiddles, or 'Lola'.

I was walkin' down the highstreet the other day and I picked up a cat and threw it away... LOLA...L O L A Lola...
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