A spectacular mistake?

You clearly haven't met the Roma. Talk to me when you have.

We've had a few hundred years to alter the culture of the Irish tinker/traveller - look how far we've got there. :rolleyes:
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And you weren’t a Jew in Nazi Germany. You’re saying people can never change, I’m saying they can. Let’s agree to disagree.
Oh no. Godwin's Law strikes.

Forget your lefty ideology mate, that's why we are in the mess we are in. It's do-gooders like you that do the harm when you can't let go of your silly dream.
That's the sort of meaningless ****** reply that I have come to expect from you.

In fact, it could have been a reply to one of my posts. Anyone you disagree with gets the lefty ideology do-gooders crap py treatment.

Give it a rest.

In fact,

If you want to prove to the world you are not, instead of snivelling on here about how our country is about to be invaded by millions of people "we" don't want (I'm still waiting), why don't you put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) where it will really count and start writing to as many agencies, organisations and individuals who have power as you think will listen.

Then come back and post their replies here.
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According to the news earlier it's about to kick off in Sheffield, and if I heard right it is not the indigenous peoples about to riot but immigrants that settled here in the 60's, **** v Polak
That is odd, **** from Pakistan gets deleted but Polak from Poland is ok....
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So not Romanians then, for a change Pred.

You beat me to it Securespark, re Big J.

I am privileged to work with one hell of a diverse range of people from ALL walks of life Joe; the list would quite simply be too long to mention. I may even have met a Roma but it's not usually the first question on my lips when I meet someone, or the last for that matter. I do remember my surrogate daughter, as I call her, dating a Romanian and both he and her mother were nice so I was told.

So if you ever need an operation or prescription from some foreigner you despise, I hope you don't spit in their face if it's not who you expect. Funnily enough, just talking to my ex who's lodging with me, she's just said "It's the Somalians you gotta watch".

Is there no end to this attitude...? :rolleyes:
Ok then, BT, tell us HOW to solve this?

Why work for E300 per week (if you are lucky), when you can steal that in one day (if you are a pretty lazy / inept thief)?
When you are legally untouchable? (The kids do the stealing - see BBC vid, linked on p4)
When the parents are willing to sell their own daughters, and send their own sons out to steal?

We could all make far more from crime, than we do from honest graft, yet somehow, we (mostly) choose not to. What makes us different, in our attitude?

Another point - a couple of the "families" were reported as stealing, to fund the building of homes back in Romania. I DO hope they show the same tolerance towards anyone who decides "I'll have that!", and takes a bite of their "hard earned".........
So not Romanians then, for a change Pred.

You beat me to it Securespark, re Big J.

I am privileged to work with one hell of a diverse range of people from ALL walks of life Joe; the list would quite simply be too long to mention. I may even have met a Roma but it's not usually the first question on my lips when I meet someone, or the last for that matter. I do remember my surrogate daughter, as I call her, dating a Romanian and both he and her mother were nice so I was told.

So if you ever need an operation or prescription from some foreigner you despise, I hope you don't spit in their face if it's not who you expect. Funnily enough, just talking to my ex who's lodging with me, she's just said "It's the Somalians you gotta watch".

Is there no end to this attitude...? :rolleyes:

Mrs. Pred has always despised the Somalis, her attitude changed last year thanks to our Flow Mo, he is welcome in my country by me....
Okay, just heard it on early evening news, about Sheffied.

"The most discriminated against minority in Europe"

They just want "a better life". (Don't we all?)

They're "hanging around everywhere".


But when English people act like a **** it's okay...

There's some major double-standard hypocrisy going on somewhere :rolleyes:
[the crims down the pub]
Yeah, we don't want them coming over 'ere and taking over the gaff...

Then there'd be nowt left for us to nick...

Thievin' b'stards.
Okay, just heard it on early evening news, about Sheffied.

But when English people act like a **** it's okay...

There's some major double-standard hypocrisy going on somewhere :rolleyes:

Cobblers - who defended indigenous scum?
It's the fact that no one attacks British white scum because others are an easier target. I have had more grief and been ripped off in my life by more British white than I ever have by some minority ethnic group. Not saying it couldn't happen, but let's be real about it all.

Is staying up late and hanging around their worst crime in Sheffield; is that really the worst they can say about them? Jesus Christ, I must inform the church elders..
It is not a fact - it is a generalisation.
I have always been of the opinion that I would welcome a hard-working immigrant, and trade a dossing indigenous.
My turn to generalise - I bet I'm not alone.
The OP, (Joe), started the question "A spectacular mistake?"

I am just trying to give the other side to an imbalanced and, IMHO, unfair attack.

No rape, pillaging or crime-wave mentioned tonight on peak time sensational TV. No bombing, no money laundering on an epic scale. Just "hanging around" so far.

Is there a catch up of BBC1's earlier report...?

It was like a sketch right out from Not the nine o'clock news where Rowan as a cop tries to arrest a black man ffs, for wearing a loud shirt at night...

Add: Will watch the 10 o'clock news tonight on BBC1 to see if my eyes and ears deceived me. Please watch it too and get back here, if you dare :rolleyes:

And it's bound to come up on QT later, I'll wager 2nd question after the the poor Philippines :(

I'll record it, so people here had better take note.
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