Bullfight called Off

I'm doing the same big tone. If I want to discuss race / religious issues with someone I'll talk to Micilin, he's a reasoned logical poster and has earned respect.
Because all you do with me is to resort to sweeping and fallacious assumptions. Then when those fallacious assumptions are exposed you revert to disclosing my personal details without my permission, as an attempt to gain some advantage.
Well, do you feel advantaged now? Now that you've demonstrated your obsession, perversion and abusive behaviour.
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So I was right. You were just using your apparent concern for animals as an exploitation for racial abuse. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You are an overt racist, suffering from islamophobia..

Allowing for the fact that you are obviously not very bright, I will give you a valuable piece of advice.

When you want to criticise people, you need to make absolutely sure that you have all of your facts straight. To help you in this, you need to get into your confused head that islam is not a race. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You've made that mistake before.
I accused you of racial abuse and that includes religious abuse.
So before you go giving advice you ought to check your facts.
Oh I forgot, you don't do "checking facts before making silly comments" do you. :rolleyes:

I'll look up the previous proof that racial prejudice can include religious prejudice.

Desperate. :rolleyes:
Nope, busy.
Page 12 ends with no less than FIVE consecutive 'This post is hidden' notifications! Who is he talking to?

For a brief moment I really wanted to know what he had to say that needed FIVE consecutive posts...

...then I realised my folly!

Edit: Just seen another FIVE immediately preceding my post!
Doesn't he realise that nobody is listening?
Think at this stage he's talking to himself. :LOL:
A lot less scrolling needed now!
Norcon! JBR! And others who knew him before me. You were right.

He's made it to my ignore list.

Please, posters, do your best not to quote him.

Or I may just take some time out from this place...

Good luck.

Yep, impossible to take the idiot seriously. He's on my ignore list now too.

Any others want to join in?
No doubt the cosey little abusers corner will be happy without anyone to challenge their abusive behaviour.
See, the bullies don't like it when they can't continue with their abusive bullying behaviour. Even when they gang up on one individual, they still can't hack it. :LOL: :LOL:
Abusive, bullying cowards.
Try some reasoned discussion instead of endless abuse.
I can see 6 x 'This post is hidden because you are ignoring this poster...............................' on this page alone.

RH is on the ropes....taking a beating...it's very nearly over here at the GD stadium.........the crowd are going mad...they want blood...and rightly so

Back to the studio.

Yes, it looks like all the abusers have joined in hoping for a big finish.
That looks a bit unfair and one-sided, but it's not all over yet.

Wait, several of the abusers are submitting. It looks like they've taken more of a beating than they'd hoped.
Only a couple of the worst abusers trying to hang on for a draw.
If you ignore coathanger's 'contributions', there's hardly anything left on a thread. :LOL:
How very true and accurate.
It's because all you lot contribute is abuse. Not a scrap of reasoned argument amongst the lot of you.
It's before I go to bed and my final "bye" to him.

Do you really need to 'stick the boot in' guys..? :(

Just 'vote with your feet' :idea:

Idea from an nasty uncaring person. Time to go....
But you were quick enough to try to "put the boot in" until I highlighted your hypochritical claims.

If you can't offer any reasoned discussion or argument, you may as well retire.
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