Polite request


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Recently, several threads are being locked with alarming regularity. I am not trying to apportion blame or attempting to criticise posters or the mods, but I am becoming concerned that joining in a discussion (and attempting to remain polite) I am quite likely to find what could have turned out to be an interesting discussion being truncated prematurely. It's like walking on eggshells here!

Most recently:

4 February: "UKIP - a 'one trick pony'?" – reason given for locking: ‘inappropriate pictures’ (I'm afraid I didn't see them, so cannot comment) and presumably because of name-calling. (Last poster - RNR)

5 February: "Learning a Foreign Language" – No apparent reason for locking. (Last poster - JohnD)

9 February: "Child protection" – Presumably, locked due to name-calling. (Last poster - RNR)

9 February: "Muslim Tolerance - Not Even in Death" – Presumably, locked due to name-calling. (Last poster - RNR)

9 February: "Muslim Tolerance - Not Even in Death" (2) – No apparent reason for locking. (Last poster - Whitespirit)

I'd like to repeat that I am not trying to denigrate anybody; the details given above are entirely factual and, in most cases, the reason for the thread being locked is only presumptive.

I can understand why some threads are locked or deleted when discussion deteriorates into name-calling, but in some cases this doesn't appear to be the case, at least to me. Personally, I'm happy to see friendly banter in a discussion, and I can understand why tempers sometimes become heated, but I'd like to appeal:

1. to posters - not to rise to temptation and resort to personal attacks; and

2. to mods - to please state the reason for locking a thread. This would, at least, inform us of what rules are being broken if these are not readily apparent. The more responsible forum members would then, hopefully, take note. If someone has made a formal objection, perhaps that could be mentioned although, of course, without identifying the person involved.

It occurs to me that another option would be to remove individual posts considered offensive or otherwise unacceptable, giving reasons if possible, but to leave the thread active, giving a final warning of locking/deletion.

I hope that this request can be taken in the spirit that it was intended.

(Edit: Oops, I hope none of the mods are Lankies!)
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Oh come on JBR you and everyone else knows why these threads are being locked and it is down to disagreements over one particular 'toxic' subject.

There are a minority of posters who insist upon either repeatedly posting topics on the subject or turning innocuous threads onto the subject.

Your continuing thanks for them does not help either and shows that you condone it.

I for one am bored witless with it. The others must have a high tolerance level for the mundane or a very dull life. The Mod's seem to be just as pi$$ed off also and I don't blame them.
Oh dear.

I see nothing wrong with a civilised discussion regarding muslims, as long as there are no personal attacks to other posters.

Of course, if islam is not a topic for discussion on this forum, it should be clearly stated in the rules, but wouldn't that be an attack on free speech?

Muslims have been on the news quite frequently over the past several months, so shouldn't it be permissible to discuss the problems?

And I realise that this is a DIY forum, and one I have found very useful over the years, but isn't General Discussion for discussing things in general?
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Civilised discussions are fine. This forum does not have civilised discussions but rather the usual suspects ranting about Muslims as though nothing else was happening in the world. There is nothing civilised about prejudice and bigotry. I wish they would just stop, they are not going to achieve anything by shouting away on a relatively obscure internet forum. I'm sure Britain First have one where they would not be continually getting people disagreeing with them
Oh come on JBR you and everyone else knows why these threads are being locked and it is down to disagreements over one particular 'toxic' subject.

There are a minority of posters who insist upon either repeatedly posting topics on the subject or turning innocuous threads onto the subject.

Your continuing thanks for them does not help either and shows that you condone it.

I for one am bored witless with it. The others must have a high tolerance level for the mundane or a very dull life. The Mod's seem to be just as p**sed off also and I don't blame them.

But haven't you made ad hominem comments before now?

Let he who is without sin...
Civilised discussions are fine. This forum does not have civilised discussions but rather the usual suspects ranting about Muslims as though nothing else was happening in the world. There is nothing civilised about prejudice and bigotry. I wish they would just stop, they are not going to achieve anything by shouting away on a relatively obscure internet forum. I'm sure Britain First have one where they would not be continually getting people disagreeing with them

I haven't conducted an in-depth survey, but I'd be interested to know for certain exactly who is the first in specific threads to have strayed from civilised discussion to disparaging personal remarks.

Your comments above suggest this is entirely the fault of posters pointing out problems regarding followers of islam, which I see as a valid matter for civilised discussion.

I also accept that arguing against such comments is permissible. There are always two sides to a coin.

Perhaps, if you don't like islam being discussed on here, it would be better just to avoid taking part in those specific threads. There are a number of subjects I see here that, because they are of no interest to me, I don't participate in. Football, for example.

The problems arise when such discussions/arguments deteriorate into name-calling. It could be, of course, that this starts with friendly banter, but on a discussion forum such as this it is not always clear where one ends and the other begins, even when using 'smileys'.

Well, I tried to raise the matter in a polite and constructive way but already things are becoming less than friendly. Can't you see that I'm trying to make an effort to change things for the better?

Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered, and we should just carry on as normal: childish remarks (by many of us) and threads being locked/deleted.
I haven't conducted an in-depth survey, but I'd be interested to know for certain exactly who is the first in specific threads to have strayed from civilised discussion to disparaging personal remarks.

I suspect this was rhetorical question but my money is on Noseall being the answer you had in mind.
I haven't conducted an in-depth survey, but I'd be interested to know for certain exactly who is the first in specific threads to have strayed from civilised discussion to disparaging personal remarks.

I suspect this was rhetorical question but my money is on Noseall being the answer you had in mind.

No, not a rhetorical question. I have not tried to find out the answer, and I take it back: I really don't want to know.

I am just fed up with threads being locked and posts being censored, and I'd like it to stop.

For God's sake, my 'Cow' joke has just been locked because someone presumably read racist intentions behind it.

As I said before, posting on this forum is like walking on eggshells.

I also visit another forum (which will remain nameless, of course) on which everyone is always 'nice' to each other. Yes, there is never any unpleasantness but, on the other hand, a total lack of 'banter' makes things rather boring.

Humour - yes.
Friendly banter - yes.
Offensive remarks - no.

Having said that, I invite anyone here to address me as a 'thick Yorkshireman' or a 'tight fisted Yorkshireman' and I guarantee that I shall take no offence. :)
I invite anyone here to address me as a 'thick Yorkshireman' or a 'tight fisted Yorkshireman' and I guarantee that I shall take no offence. :)
Can I just pay you a compliment instead?
Your spelling is impeccable and I've yet to find a spelling error, but I will keep my eyes peeled. Always ready to pounce.... :p
Humour - yes.
Friendly banter - yes.
Offensive remarks - no.
So you'll not be surprised, then, when a slightly offensive remark leads into a downward spiral, ultimately resulting in the thread being locked and posts deleted.
As Nosey said, your encouragement does little to limit the offensive remarks.

I'm always up for a sensible discussion, and not shy of a sensible religious discussion. But when senstive issues are exploited, as an excuse for explicit racism, I'll take offence. In which case I'll react with, in my view, accurate descriptions of the perpetrators.
Now it doesn't really matter whether I'm personally offended, or offended on behalf of someone else, I'm offended!
Similarly, if you were walking out with your relative or a friend and someone offended them, you would, I hope, be as offended as they are.

Incidentally, if a thread is locked and someone re-opens another with exactly the same title, you can hardly be surprised if the second thread disappears as well.
I invite anyone here to address me as a 'thick Yorkshireman' or a 'tight fisted Yorkshireman' and I guarantee that I shall take no offence. :)
Can I just pay you a compliment instead?
Your spelling is impeccable and I've yet to find a spelling error, but I will keep my eyes peeled. Always ready to pounce.... :p

You're welcome to try. I never make mistookes.

(I shall not bother to reply to DC's last comment above, other than to say it is clear to me that he's only here in an attempt to start arguments.)
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