New Year, New Resolution - Acceptable topics for GD


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Due to the fact that several users regurgitate the same topics (or variations of) over and over again, these topics will no longer be welcome.

The general discussion forum started as some light hearted relief to the DIY forums. Obviously topics will vary and current affairs come up, but this is not the venue for agendas and preaching.
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In reply to your thread, in which we are not allowed to reply, can you please give us your assurance that every member will be treated equally by the mods?

Specifically, if one member is banned for any specific reason, will the ban will be imposed on others who are guilty of the same indiscretion?

Also, if mods participate in discussions, will they be permitted to 'take sides' of an argument?
Now I've had my say, I'll start the list of what is acceptible..... Beer. Best biscuits to dunk into your tea at work. At work, what do you drink if you don't drink tea or coffee. Best vans for various trades..

I'm sure that others will add on to this..... I hope!
I don't really care what is permitted or not as long as the moderator is fair and even handed, unlike the ****** that we have had over the week end...
Indeed. In fact, that is all I ask for.
At the risk of criticisms, I find it appalling that JD feels able to take sides in a discussion. In my opinion, a moderator should ideally take no part in discussions and should simply ensure that the rules are adhered to and all members are treated fairly and equally.
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Another topic could be has prolonged use of the "Big Rat" affected Joe.....:D
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Now I've had my say, I'll start the list of what is acceptible..... Beer. Best biscuits to dunk into your tea at work. At work, what do you drink if you don't drink tea or coffee. Best vans for various trades..

I'm sure that others will add on to this..... I hope!

Beer - anything that has a flavour and doesn't get served at temperatures approaching zero (thus ruling out most lagers and all American "beers").
Biscuits - Chocolate Hobnobs, end of discussion!
Alternative drinks - there is no alternative, tea is the true trade drink. It cures all evils and resolves most problems (with the exception of trying to understand some MIs - only a stiff drink makes them intelligible)
Work van - Expert/Scudo/Partner. Until they break down then the French problem surfaces - which spare part actually does fit the chassis?!

Next - which radio station is acceptable on site? (don't get me started on Jeremy Vine & Steve Wright)
I like Steve Wright..... I tried absolute 80s but they only seem to play the same handfull of songs every day.
I'm a tea man on site, hate instant coffee but in the summer need more fluid so sparkling water is my summer drink...
See - there you go with your divisive comments - Steve Wright arghhhhhhhhh! :)

Agree with you about other drinks - nothing beats a roof-space in August for having to rehydrate!

SW just seems to have lost the plot recently. His interviews just seem to be him creeping to the guest and telling them how wonderful they are.
I like those biscuits with the embossed cow, malted milk I think they are called. And then there's the sport biscuit which are equally as nice with the different sports depicted on each biscuit. Of course different biscuits are generally required for different occasions depending on how the eater feels at the time.

I am now preparing to write a thousand word dissertation on biscuits and will get back to you.

Any links to youtube showing eating biscuits are very welcome............ :sleep::sleep::sleep: :LOL:
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