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Who's behind that nonsense?
bliar and clegg?

How about a referendum on whether or not bliar should be jailed for war crimes?
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That was "punishment" for being in the coalition.

Something else the electorate didn't understand.

Punishment for broken promises was mostly in the 2015 election.

It still featured in the 2017 election, but Lib dem policies and Brexit were higher %'s

It could be argued that the lost faithful voters in 2015 didnt return to the fold, so in that sense, I agree.

I need clarification before I break out in laughter. Are you saying Blair is a communist?

He was a member of the communist before joining Labour but eventually ended up going zionist/marxist with dashes of communism where it mattered worse.

As you know yourself.


TONY Blair has revealed he was inspired to get into politics after reading extracts from communist revolutionary Leon Trotsky – and even admitted to being a communist himself at university.

Mr Blair, who has been labelled a “red Tory” for apparently not adopting enough left-wing policies, admitted he had briefly been a "Trot" while at university at Oxford in the 1970s.

Marxist revolutionary Trotsky alongside Vladimir Lenin sparked the Russian Revolution which led to the death of around 9million people from terror, famine and disease between 1917 and 1922.
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