Does anyone play Minecraft?

27 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom
OK, time to fess up - never mind your 7 year old nieces and nephews playing it - do any of you adults play Minecraft?

It has a system of electronics that allows you to biuld stuff that works, automate some of your builds etc.

I think I'm an addict :)
Much better than doing DIY in the evenings lol
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Only ever known children to be able to put up with such a brain numbing game.
Then your doing it wrong! :)

Play online, try a redstone project - it will challenge you to get it working right.
I play it from time to time. It is quite good for just zoning out a bit, bottle of wine and then go dig dig digging. The Children's fault though, they play, get stuck, hand us the controls to sort it all out. Then it just kind of grows on you.
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Try a skyblock server, your stuck on an island in the sky and have to make the best from very little - its hard, you have to use your noggin.

Unlike COD etc. where you run, die, run, die and so on :)
Never played it. I'd probably get addicted if I did. I understand how digital electronics work. A few transistors (switches) can make a gate (NAND or NOR). A few gates can make a half adder, or a latch(store). A few half adders can make full adders with carry. Eventually you can scale it up to do anything a microprocessor can do. What really impresses me about Minecraft is that some people have found the time time to do things like this
On one hand I think "Why?" and "How long did that take?". It's like watching someone break a domino toppling record (loads of work setting it up just for a few minutes confirming it works). On the other hand I salute them, wish I had the patience and time!
Both my boys play it. No idea what they are doing though!
Both my boys play it. No idea what they are doing though!
Neither do they probably, well at least not understand what they are doing. IMHO Minecraft is a stroke of genius, on the face of it just a game, but the real value is in it's open architecture and how it can teach without those playing it knowing they are learning.
My friend who teaches IT and computing uses it all the time to fulfil elements of the syllabus
Actually, the youngest did some clever stuff. Made a Ninja Warrior course that even include blocks that try to push you off platforms etc. I was impressed!
yeah it's clever a few years ago my friends kids found a programmable computer somewhere in the game and wrote themselves a messaging system they could use whilst playing.
was a couple of years ago , they're probably hacking the pentagon now
Just to update this, things have progressed in that I now own and run my own online server.
With a great team of adults to help build and manage the technical stuff we are making a great place for like minded people to play.

It' doesn't cost an arm & a leg to do this either, certainly less than a few hours down the pub once a month yet can give many hours worth of entertainment.
Just to update this, things have progressed in that I now own and run my own online server.
With a great team of adults to help build and manage the technical stuff we are making a great place for like minded people to play.

It' doesn't cost an arm & a leg to do this either, certainly less than a few hours down the pub once a month yet can give many hours worth of entertainment.

And you get to drink whilst doing it. Me and my mates all used to live in Aberdeen together but since moved to different ends of the country. We do Minecraft and other online games as a way of keeping in touch. I'm renovating a bathroom so most of my time has been on that, but our Minecraft server is pretty decent. I usually handle redstone cause I've got the patience and can usually bodge different circuits together.

So far the pinnacle for me has been my villager breeder and trading hall, which is linked to a LARGE automatic pumpkin and Melon farm with a slightly smaller sugar farm also plumbed in. It basically amounts to a load of free mending enchantments. The melon and pumpkin farm is a bit OTT and if you stand too close to it when it harvests it can lag out pretty bad.

My perosonal favourite is the Ender-Ender enderman farm. The noise it makes is both horrible and so satisfying.
Yes, iif I want to I can drink, certainly for far less than the local pub charges :)

Done all the things you mention, I keep getting called upon to make people 3x3 rotating piston doors and the like. I currently have an ender to build.
What is puzzling though, is why we are not seeing dolphins on the server? Ill figure it out eventually, we want to swim with the dolphins :)

As for keeping in touch, yes its great for that - using discord for both voice and text chat.
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