We won't get any Trade Deals - Zero

MOD: Please refrain from more of this pretentious Ad hominem clap trap. All of you.

What shall we use then.

"personal attack" :idea:

In any event wat his name started it . Just thought it was a good word , me being an educated person ;) I appreciate Latin words :)
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Trade deals

The dutch sell a 3rd of there lettuce production to the U.K ;) and what about marmalade Hmmmm think about it

Were do all the oranges come from ;)

no deal the lettuce & orange market exporters will go down the collective toilet ;)

And we export more medicine to the Eu then they give us ;)

48 million items a year ;) we import 36 million ;)

Pl;ay hard ball with the UK over Brexit and we will cut off there Viagra supplies ;) Barniey and all those other EU duffers will have a problem mind u most of em do not look like they have a decent one in em :LOL::LOL:

and southern Ireland will have to circumnavigate the UK to get to Europe we can shut the ports to them
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If EU/UK trade in goods and services stopped and nothing happened to correct the calamity:

1) What percentage of UK exports would stop?

2) What percentage of EU exports would stop?
This question is far too uncomfortable for quitters to contemplate. Hence the hive quickly changing the subject.

"Other EU countries sell more to us than we sell to them
It’s often claimed that other EU countries sell more to us than we sell to them. Taking other EU countries as a bloc, that’s correct.

The rest of the EU sells about £80 billion more to us in goods and services than we sell to them, according to UK data—so the UK runs a “trade deficit” with the rest of the EU."


They need us more than we need them!


No they don't.


I wish life was as simple as you make it. I wish trade was as simple as that. You need to look at percentage of trade. But again you fail to grasp the key issue which no one has answered -the schedule of tariffs. Also when we export to the EU we will still need to meet their standards no matter how much we cut ours.
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Hertsdrainage knows perfectly well that the answer is

1) a very large number

2) a very small number

That's why, like any deceitful Quitling, he wants to avoid the question. Because it shows "they need us more than we need them" is a lie.
but I never use the word expert !!

That word is bandied about far to much , U can have a room full of experts , all giving there differing expert opinions on the same subject

That bloke in your link (not that I looked at it) is what a remainer giving his expert opinion .

Who cares what he thinks or what his opinion is .

Expert advice over the years

Eat dairy products :LOL:

Expert advice resulted in a bottle of lucozade beside every ones hospital bed :LOL:

Buy deisel cars they are good for the environment :LOL:

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away ( they forgot about the dentist:LOL:)

Expert advice size does not matter :LOL::LOL:

Britons are more likely to blame people for being fat & see them as lazy & irresponsible because of the nations bias regarding weight

An employment expert said that obesity should become a legally protected characteristic like race & sex

And either a liar to boot or you have a shoddy memory.

You can disagree with expert opinion - that is fine. But you cannot disagree with facts. The point which none have addressed is exactly how the WTO operates - its rules are transparent these are not opinions. A country can object to a schedule of tariffs.

But it seems you geniuses knew that.
Definition of an 'expert' ..... someone who tells you what you want to hear.

This anti-expert sentiment is a tried and tested technique by those who simply cannot or will not assimilate information they see as critical of their beliefs.

As Prof Brian Cox put it - "Being anti-expert – that’s the way back to the cave"
For the swingers to understand this they would need to understand simple mathematics....

I wish you could. I wish I lived in such a simple fairy tail make believe world as you do.
I wish you could. I wish I lived in such a simple fairy tail make believe world as you do.

I was talking to a money trader this morning. Telling me how good it was.
But that the Euro was pounding the £.
And that they want to get it 1 for 1.

Now that might be good for money men but is that good for French wine & cheese. German boilers and cars.

So if it is 1 euro to £1 and then we are putting Tarriffs on imports surely that's bad for the exporters into our country.
And either a liar to boot or you have a shoddy memory.

You can disagree with expert opinion - that is fine. But you cannot disagree with facts. The point which none have addressed is exactly how the WTO operates - its rules are transparent these are not opinions. A country can object to a schedule of tariffs.

But it seems you geniuses knew that.

o_Oo_O what has fat people p[rejudice got to do with . Disagree take it up with the "I" news paper ( it was a poll)

Facts what facts ? oh u mean this blokes opinions are facts :LOL:

No deal ? stop peddeling your propaganda nonsense . There is no such thing as no deal ?

So what do u do for a living then Hmmm enlighten me/us . Think I have asked u before ;) is it a source of embarrassment ?
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