About that Japan trade deal...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The snake oil saleswoman lied again...

"Liz Truss has been accused of misleading MPs and the public over her new Japan trade deal, because all the tariff “wins” are for goods the UK does not export to the country anyway.

Just 10 of 9,444 products will enjoy lower taxes, experts say, a list of obscure items such as birds’ eggs, raw hides, fur skins, handbags and ultra-strong spirits of at least 90 per cent alcohol.

Crucially, none of the 10 have been sold to Japan for at least three years – which means the gain to British exporters is “zero”, the study has found.

Yet Ms Truss claimed the “historic” Japan deal had achieved “strong tariff reductions on key agricultural products like pork, beef and salmon [that] will benefit farmers and food exporters”.

"The reality was that “the UK has been sailing into the wind throughout the negotiations to get back to its starting point”

“She has a bad habit of over-promising and under-delivering on trade deals, then trying to fill the gap with these misleading claims.”

That's brexit for you - the gift that keeps on giving (n)
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The Trumpets just can’t move on. Can you not see it? Look at the grace in defeat Trump is showing......... He looks like a complete buffoon.
And so do you..
"Professor Winters said that “to all intents and purposes in terms of tariffs, there is almost no difference between the UK-Japan and EU-Japan free trade agreements”.

“The UK government have exerted immense effort but, in terms of tariffs, have got back to more or less exactly where we started from under EU membership,” he said".

Except we're not paying the EU billions to be told what to do. Doesn’t seem too bad to me, we’ve lost nothing but our membership contribution and the Japs don’t insist that their citizens have free access to our health, welfare, housing and education systems.
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While welcome, the changes were “very minor” in comparison with the existing deal the UK enjoyed with Japan through EU membership – which is being lost because of Brexit.

“In services and investment liberalisation, it is clear that Japan’s commitments to the EU and the UK are almost identical,”

She stressed the groundwork had been laid by Brussels’ greater negotiating power, because “if the UK had had to negotiate with Japan from scratch, it would not have gained the level of market access that Japan accorded to the EU”.

“to all intents and purposes in terms of tariffs, there is almost no difference between the UK-Japan and EU-Japan free trade agreements”.

But of course the brexiteers don't wish to hear that they will gain nothing in return from a great loss with the biggest trading bloc in the world!
Except we're not paying the EU billions to be told what to do. Doesn’t seem too bad to me, we’ve lost nothing but our membership contribution and the Japs don’t insist that their citizens have free access to our health, welfare, housing and education systems.
Funnily enough the EU doesn't tell us what to do...

EU nations are still sovereign, and can agree or disagree. There is merely conformity in some regulations so that trade and movement can run smoothly...

So would you care to tell us who sets UK policies on all public services for example?

But then xenophobes don't understand that we are losing far more than the fabled gains...

What was that about trade deals far better than the ones the EU has?
What was that about trade deals far better than the ones the EU has?
Well, the same deal without paying 9 billion a year for it and allowing free access to our services for their citizens is a far better deal. I’d be over the moon if every deal mirrored that one. What’s so hard to understand about that? (n)
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Funnily enough the EU doesn't tell us what to do...

We're back to that ridiculous speech where Doris was waving a hapless kipper in the air while telling everyone the regulations surrounding it were restrictive.....

.......when it is our food regs that have been adopted by the EU.
I wonder if the EU proposal (if it actually exists, I haven't looked) about banning the words sausage and burger from vegetarian / vegan products will come to fruition. As said though not looked it up, so of it's not true, blame Jeremy Vine.
So we had no reason to put CE marks on products we sold in the eu ?
We still will be CE marking most things afterwards, anything that might be sold in NI needs CE marking. So I'd expect everything to get CE and UKCA marked as well.
Bring back the kite mark & British Standards. If we had done earlier, dangerous French flammable insulation might not be sold here.
The EU had been great throughout the pandemic, really got to grips with it.
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