May 23rd.

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so how will the Brexers ever come to an agreement between themselves? Will rees-mogg ever agree with the cabinet? Will the DUP ever agree with Buffoon? Will Gove ever agree with Hunt?

They have

Did they agree on the Norway model? Or the Swiss? Or the Turkish? Or the Somali?

When did they agree? Can I see a copy of their agreement?

Why is rees-mogg still voting against everything? Why hasn't he put forward his agreed proposal as a draft Bill to Parliament? If you are telling the truth, all the Brexers would support it.

It's because it doesn't exist.
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When did they agree? Can I see a copy of their agreement?

So you're in favour of the Somali model. How many MPs agree with you?
So you're in favour of the Somali model. How many MPs agree with you?
I'm in favour of leaving the eu, no deal, start from scratch. As for MP's agreeing, I have no idea about that, but I do know Theresa may wants to stay in the eu & is doing her best to trap us there. What does the Somali deal entail anyway? Educate us, then I can let you know if I'm keen. As far as I remember, it wasn't an option on the ballot paper.
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What does the Somali deal entail anyway?

It's no-deal.

Somalia does not have treaties with the EU. So for example they couldn't manufacture car parts for export to the EU, because the EU couldn't then export the cars under a "made in EU" trade treaty.

It can't export meat products to the EU without having the animal and abbatoirs inspected by EU approved vets, because it doesn't have agreements that their national standards are equivalent.

It can't provide financial services to the EU because it is outside the regulatory framework.

It can't export pharmaceuticals to the EU under the unified approvals process.

As you know, "no-deal" has been assessed by Parliament and almost everybody except some of the Brextremists and a few demented plumbers, as so damaging to the UK that it is unacceptable.
Somalia does not have treaties with the EU. So for example they couldn't manufacture car parts for export to the EU, because the EU couldn't then export the cars under a "made in EU" trade treaty.
It could say "assembled in eu"

It can't export meat products to the EU without having the animal and abbatoirs inspected by EU approved vets, because it doesn't have agreements that their national standards are equivalent.
Not a problem for us, ours have been tested & certified.

It can't provide financial services to the EU because it is outside the regulatory framework.
Would you trust a nation famed for piracy with your cash, or London, the capital of England, renowned the world over as THE financial capital?
And a question for you.

Where do you want the Northern Ireland border controls to be?
So you want to block free movement between NI and RoI

NI and RoI and the EU say that is unacceptable. It will reinvigorate sectarian gangsters smuggling across the border.

EU will not sign new treaties with UK if UK does that.
Anyway, you're coming up with ideas which the Brexers as a whole have not agreed. Are you going to make them agree to your ideas? Or are you going to agree to theirs?

so how will the Brexers ever come to an agreement between themselves? Will rees-mogg ever agree with the cabinet? Will the DUP ever agree with Buffoon? Will Gove ever agree with Hunt?

parliament (and almost everybody else) has already agreed that "no-deal" would be so damaging to the nation that it is unacceptable, so you can cross that off your list.

What alternative option would you like the Brexers to agree?
So those who voted leave have to fix all the problems invented by those who didn’t?

We had a vote, more people voted leave than remain by a small majority. To act on the will of the people would be to come up with a plan that starts a path away from EU membership. There are at least a dozen viable options all with strengths and weaknesses. Pick one and get moving or come up with excuses because the people “voted wrong”.
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