May 23rd.

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It seems that you do not like the democratic vote we had which resulted in the instruction to leave. :)
I certainly don't like the result of that vote.

But what has that got do do with elections for the European Parliament?
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If NI is in the UK and RoI is in the EU then why the heck should they not have a border?
I will have to cross through a border should I ever wish to enter the EU so why should the Irish not also do the same?

The same as they would do if they entered any other country that is not in the EU.

TM needs to stop pandering to the damn Irish and just exit the EU.

There used to be a Border until the "Good Friday Agreement" many people died because of it, since the agreement there has been relative peace,

Do you really think its a good idea that more people should die if a new border is put into place ?
The UK government and government of the Republic of Ireland have just signed an updated version of the Common travel area agreement.
This means that the border between the UK and the R.o.I. has effectively disappeared, so all this baloney about a hard border is just political blackmail by the EU in order to undermine Brexit.
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travel, you say? And does it include people of all nationalities? So a Latvian can migrate to RoI, and take the bus into UK without any passport or immigration checks? And so can a Syrian refugee?

The Brexers say they want different trade deals. So, for example, UK will be importing hormone beef, chlorine chicken, Pakistani pharmaceuticals, Russian isotopes and Lybian oil. This will not be allowed in the EU. So there will be a border to prevent contraband goods flowing in and out.
well bless my soul, Vinty is talking nonsense again.
Who could have seen that coming?

the border between the UK and the R.o.I. has effectively disappeared

"The Common Travel Area does not relate to goods or customs issues. The present movement of goods, the absence of customs posts on the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, and the absence of customs duties between the UK and Ireland comes from both countries’ membership of the European Union."

"Common Travel Area rights can only be exercised by citizens of Ireland and the UK. If you are not a citizen of Ireland or the UK, you will not be able to exercise Common Travel Area rights."
the border between the UK and the R.o.I. has effectively disappeared

Except that there will be a border for the control of goods (see above) and for the control of people (see above)

Why does vinty keep posting things that are not true?
travel, you say? And does it include people of all nationalities? So a Latvian can migrate to RoI, and take the bus into UK without any passport or immigration checks? And so can a Syrian refugee?

The Brexers say they want different trade deals. So, for example, UK will be importing hormone beef, chlorine chicken, Pakistani pharmaceuticals, Russian isotopes and Lybian oil. This will not be allowed in the EU. So there will be a border to prevent contraband goods flowing in and out.
Then it will be up to the EU to erect a border if they want one.
As for detecting foreigners, there are already border checks which work effectively.
Why would a Latvian want to enter the UK illegally anyway, they won't be able to get a N.I. number or access the benefits system without proving entitlement.
The elephant in the room is the Irish Republic which has behaved very irresponsibley in this whole matter.
As the Republic is in the British Isles then any border should between Europe and the British Isles as a whole ,this would make things run a lot smoother in regards to trade and keeping illegals out.
As the Republic is in the British Isles then any border should between Europe and the British Isles as a whole ,this would make things run a lot smoother in regards to trade and keeping illegals out.

Ha ha ha

Silly Vinty thinks that people and goods should have borderless passage between acountry that is in the EU, and the UK.

Therefore UK's attempts to keep foreigners out will come to naught, and UKs trade deals and tariffs will not work.

Vinty is delusional if he thinks the dUK can prevent one member of the EU having free trade and travel with all the rest of the EU.

looks like vinty is secretly working for the Unification of an Independent Ireland.
You will find, if you think about it (which you either will not or cannot do, I know) that it's those who voted to leave who have created all of these problems. Not a single one of them would exist today if they had voted to remain.

The vote was an expression of wish in terms of our strategic direction. Had we voted remain, the "problem" of 15bn a year being lost, unrestricted immigration, loss of control etc. etc would be down the remainers to fix?

Those who want to leave have to decide what they want to do. And agree it.

They haven't done.

Every option they have turned down.

So they can't even begin to gain the consent of the rest of the citizens, because they haven't even got an agreed proposal to put forward.

Where's the Rees-Mogg proposal?

Last I checked - all MPs were voting on the "solution" to Brexit, not just those who voted leave. May made 2 mistakes - calling an election and underestimating Corbyn and once she did, not forming a cross parliament team to implement Brexit.
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