He thought everyone knew...?

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
I suppose the stock response from Brexers is 'who cares'. Forget No Deal, it aint happening.

Some on here actually believe we are leaving at the end of October.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Philip Hammond said similar on Peston the other night.

He also said he would do everything in his power to prevent a no deal.
So, boiling it down

No deal is not acceptable to parliament

The Only deal the EU is prepared to make is not acceptable to parliament.

The EU will not renegotiate the deal.

Surely only 2 options now exist.

a) Revoke A50
b) 2nd referendum.

I suppose that means there can be only 3 questions on the referendum in that case.

a) Leave under the agrees deal
b) Leave with no deal
c) Remain

But what to do if a+b > c ?

Parliament is opposed to a & b?

I think the only sensible option now is c but that's asking the general public to be sensible, a big ask.
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b) 2nd referendum.

Why? If EU is not going to start negotiating again, what will a 2nd ref achieve?

We're staying, simple. All hail Sir Boris!
Why? If EU is not going to start negotiating again, what will a 2nd ref achieve?

We're staying, simple. All hail Sir Boris!

Because all the political parties have to save face, don't for one minute think that any of them put the interests of the country first.
But, a 2nd ref will just ignite it all again - and we'll be in the same position, leave with the agreed deal, hard brexit, or cancel.
And the government will still overall want to stay in the EU. So that is what will happen.
True, but anyone unilaterally cancelling A50 is committing political suicide, for both themselves and their party, non of them are "brave" enough to do that.
I suppose that means there can be only 3 questions on the referendum in that case.

a) Leave under the agrees deal
b) Leave with no deal
c) Remain

But what to do if a+b > c ?
Despite wishing to remain, I have long argued that 3 options on another referendum is essentially rigged against leave...

Therefore it has to be a two part referendum.

The first part being leave or remain.

If leave win the first part, then the second part is deal or no deal...

With a proviso that any result cannot be challenged within a set period of time, unless there was a substantial majority in parliament to do so...

Of course in order to ascertain fairness in future, our antiquated FPTP would have to be replaced by a PR system!
True, but anyone unilaterally cancelling A50 is committing political suicide, for both themselves and their party, non of them are "brave" enough to do that.

I dunno, I am hopeful they are. The rest of the world think we've already committed political suicide. The main parties are in turmoil. But some people, such as Boris Johnson, know that if one person was to cancel Brexit, they would be praised by the powers that be and raised to the heady heights of the House of Lords, where he can live out his final political years in comfort while half the country riots.
True, but anyone unilaterally cancelling A50 is committing political suicide, for both themselves and their party, non of them are "brave" enough to do that.
Ironically were anyone be brave enough to try and do so, then quitters might find an ally in their nemesis...

Gina Miller fought to make sure that parliament was the overall boss when it comes to brexit, and thus might she campaign to make sure that parliament was the overall boss over revocation?

Although opinions differ about who/what can revoke article 50, her winning team thinks...

"Rob Murray, a partner at the law firm Mishcon de Reya, which represented Gina Miller, the activist who won a supreme court ruling in 2016 that article 50 had to be authorised by parliament, said new legislation would be needed.

After reading the European court ruling, Murray said: “Critically, as clarified by the Miller decision, an act of parliament would be necessary to reverse the notification of intention to withdraw.”
The worry with a referendum is that the result could be similar.

The problem is that the narrative now is all about a perceived lack of democracy. Farage pedals the people versus the political classes narrative.

Leavers arent interested in a discussion about the details of leaving or staying, they only talk about 'democracy'.

The leave side talk about 'we need to get on with it and get out'.......

And everybody forgets, that the Withdrawal agreement is not a deal, it only opens the door to start negotiating.

Theresa May winds me up with the carp she talks about her WA 'we keep our money, take back control of borders, take back control of our laws, our fishing rights etc etc'

Its all lies -all of that is part of trade negotiations which dont start till after WA, so we dont know any of it.
... take back control of .. our fishing rights ...
Will those be the rights which UK fishermen sold to foreign fishermen and which will therefore remain the property of those foreigners even if we do leave the EU?
Will those be the rights which UK fishermen sold to foreign fishermen and which will therefore remain the property of those foreigners even if we do leave the EU?
Don't worry, Brexshiteers have a plan...

A Brexit Party MEP has called for the Royal Navy to sink EU fishing vessels that enter a 200 mile exclusion zone around the United Kingdom.

"The policy would see EU boats as far away as France's Bay of Biscay attacked by British warships. The 200 miles exclusion zone would also include a number of EU capitals and major cities such as Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Dublin.

Robert Rowland, an MEP for South East England, said EU vessels that entered the exclusion zone would be "given the same treatment as the Belgrano" - an Argentinian warship that was torpedoed by a British submarine during the Falklands War with the loss of 323 lives.

"We are behind all our fisherman and the restoration of sovereignty over our waters. 200 miles of exclusion zone with any foreign fishing vessel given the same treatment as the Belgrano!"
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