
11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
All this talk of Corbyn lying about watching the Queen...

Do the people writing or repeating these stories really think that this pathetic attempt to deflect attention away from the far more serious lies Johnson has been spouting is going to work?
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All this talk of Corbyn lying about watching the Queen...

Do the people writing or repeating these stories really think that this pathetic attempt to deflect attention away from the far more serious lies Johnson has been spouting is going to work?

They are working sadly.

Im not a fan of Corbyn, but he gets slaughtered by the RW media, Johnson meanwhile gets away with far too much.
What is it with watching the queen anyway? I never watched her growing up, and still don't watch her now. Apparently about 7 million do watch, so that's about 10% of the population. I never realised watching the queen on Christmas day was such an important thing to some people.
The money men own the media, and they are scared to death Corbyn will get it, sadly the working class are too stupid to realise that they are voting for someone, who will make their lives much much more worse.
The Tories have been in government 9 years and have run the country into the ground, and now they are saying "we are the only ones that can get the country back on track" couldnt make it up
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The money men own the media, and they are scared to death Corbyn will get it, sadly the working class are too stupid to realise that they are voting for someone, who will make their lives much much more worse.
The Tories have been in government 9 years and have run the country into the ground, and now they are saying "we are the only ones that can get the country back on track" couldnt make it up

On newsnight, they were reporting in a Northern constituency. One lady said: 'nothing has improved here for 20 years, there are less jobs and public services get worse and worse. I like Boris Johnson, Im voting for him.'

Hows that going to help her :eek:
People really do just vote for the person, not the policies don't they?
He spends so much time ROFLing that it must be hard to string a complete sentence together. He's probably entitled disability benefit.
sadly the working class are too stupid to realise that they are voting for someone, who will make their lives much much more worse.
Sadly, like the leopard, the working class can't change their spots, so will vote labour regardless as you say.Though I wouldn't go as far as you and call them stupid.
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Sadly, like the leopard, the working class can't change their spots, so will vote labour regardless as you say.Though I wouldn't go as far as you and call them stupid.

you have a comprehension defecit, do try concentrating a bit harder, it might help you

you will find it is rather clear the post said the working class are stupid voting Conservative.
you will find it is rather clear the post said the working class are stupid voting Conservative.
Yeah, crystal. Where,in this sentence, does he refer to anyone except Corbyn, and when have the majority of working class voted Tory ? Does he have you down as a labour supporter ?

The money men own the media, and they are scared to death Corbyn will get it, sadly the working class are too stupid to realise that they are voting for someone, who will make their lives much much more worse.
Typical himmy swerve ploy.
The money men own the media, and they are scared to death Corbyn will get it, sadly the working class are too stupid to realise that they are voting for someone, who will make their lives much much more worse.
The Tories have been in government 9 years and have run the country into the ground, and now they are saying "we are the only ones that can get the country back on track" couldnt make it up
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