100k tests

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I see that yesterday's tests hit nearly 69,500

Nearly as good as the imaginary 100,000 that has never been reached.
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I see that yesterday's tests hit nearly 69,500

Nearly as good as the imaginary 100,000 that has never been reached.
Many people book tests then do not turn up...No change there.
Not really..Every country has differing stat analysis,reporting methods etc..No Govt has handled things 100% correctly...No surprise with a new virus.
No, that means you can't just compare the league tables. Not that you can't compare at all.
I see that yesterday's tests hit nearly 69,500

Nearly as good as the imaginary 100,000 that has never been reached.
Tbf they might be low as they're actually testing the 40k tests that were posted out in a big batch.

The move to get 100,000 was a publicity stunt. We're probably closer to 80k tests at the moment at a sustainable rate.

Edit: my bet is that the numbers will start to rise again as the PR stunt works it's way through the system but might take another week or two to get to 100k average.
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Boris's target is 200,000 at the end of this month so must be more labs coming on line ;) and probably another increase in use of the postal services. Practicalities do need some use of the postal service but why hide the fact and why hasn't it run out rapidly to say care homes etc ok there are loads of them but................... A 5 day turn round time isn't that much help to them really. They reckon it has been introduced by carers. This suggests that asymptomatic people can pass it on.

As usual hardly any mention of the underlying major problem and that is turn around time. This maybe why there seems to be some wobbling about concerning tracking. If testing is tied into it a 5day turn round time is no good as contacts will be travelling about for the whole of that period. Drive through testing wont get results that much quicker. So instead of saying test the person at the head of a network of phone numbers just notify all as the one at the top feels ill. Then maybe test the lot and they self isolate until the results are back or just tell them all to self isolate for 14 days and only test if they finish up in hospital. Bit of a problem their phones may have been near others what to do about those? They might also say balls to self isolation for a whole load of reason - buying food for instance.

LOL so have to wait and see what they intend to do with their 200,000. Just high testing hasn't helped countries that much really. Even Germany. Other countries where it is under control have found that they have had to isolate people entering the country. Some haven't so now enforced. Europe - already has instances of plains being pack with people returning to work and business people who must have their face to face meetings. That aspect probably helped it spread in the UK. We still are a European county as it's just an area of the planet. ;) So Brexiteers stuff that up your #### In that sense we always will be.
And as I said, no, that's balls. More importantly people who do this for a living, that the PM and others quote as a definitive source say you're wrong.
One Thing I am definetly right about is it is too early to produce definitive conclusions about the Covid19 pandemic because it is not over yet.. Or you going to tell me it is?..As said..TOO EARLY
One Thing I am definetly right about is it is too early to produce definitive conclusions about the Covid19 pandemic because it is not over yet.. Or you going to tell me it is?..As said..TOO EARLY
Nice moving of goal posts. First it's impossible to compare current performance (except it is) now it's impossible to review the entire end to end Covid-19 pandemic (except no one is claiming you can or want to).
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