100k tests

From the 1st of April the Government stopped publishing the number of negative tests. This is another cynical move as we could have checked how many of those tests in the posts are actually returned.

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From the 1st of April the Government stopped publishing the number of negative tests. This is another cynical move as we could have checked how many of those tests in the posts are actually returned.


They still mention that the number of tests don't match the number of people - that is always lower as some get multiple tests. What we need to know is the number of newly tested people as well. Hospital entry rate is a better indication than tests.
Where are all you zombies?

Missed the target again.


Pillar 1
Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Total
People tested 24,941 44,898 - 69,839
Tests 26,866 51,181 6,759 84,806

Daily 41,127 10,054 51,181
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In spite of the fact that those countries whose policy was for prolific testing early on, are faring better than those that didn't.

They are a funny bunch them RWR-BHS. Don't diss Bozz. (y)
Another one twisting words to suit their own end
It means don't disrespect our Prime Minister, even if he ignored advice, didn't bother testing en masse early on, was slow to react, has the highest death toll in Europe and is a prolific liar.

Straight enough?
Not at all...I said unreliable tests are worse than no tests...you twisted it.Nothing to do with Govt ..lieing..etc
Far too early to make firm conclusions from Country death tolls..As you know fine well.
Far too early to make firm conclusions from Country death tolls..As you know fine well.
Not quite true, the 'league table' approach is pretty crude but you can make some firm conclusions with the numbers we have.

Polite request to PM and others: please stop using my Guardian article to claim we cannot make any international comparisons yet. I refer only to detailed league tables-of course we should now use other countries to try and learn why our numbers are high

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